Chapter 30

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I wake to my alarm clock blasting.

Dominic groans under me. "Turn that blasted thing off before I break it." He mutters sleepily.

I giggle and sit up, untangling myself from Dominic's hold. I reach over to my night stand and turn off my alarm before getting up. I stretch in front of the window wall and I smile at the sun that is rising on the horizon. 

Making my way into the bathroom, I jump through the shower quickly, wash my face and blow dry my hair. I pull my hair into a sleek ponytail. With my body towel still wrapped around me I head into my closet and slip into the clothes I'd selected yesterday- my best black jeans, a light blue blouse, a thick knitted black cardigan, and of course my trusty chucks. My towel goes into my hamper before I go back out to my bedroom.

The bed is now empty, no sign of Dominic anywhere in the room.

I make the bed before packing my bag for the day, head phones, reading books, note book, campus map, and a few spare pens, and my wallet. I grab my phone off charge and smile when I see a text from Liam.

Orientation day! Still on for coffee?

I type back a response.

Of course! See you soon.

My phone buzzes with a new text a second later, but not from Liam, it's Dominic.

Come up to my office before you leave. First door on left.

I can hear his commanding tone even via his text.

I grab my bag, double checking I have everything before heading up to the third floor, figuring I'll just head straight out after seeing Mr. Bossy Pants. I find his office with ease thanks to his instructions, knocking lightly before entering.

Dominic's office is large, about the size of my bedroom, it's modern and sleek and the thing that captures my attention is the large bookcase covering one wall. I gape at the bookcase before turning around to find Dominic sitting behind his desk in a three piece suit, his hair is still damp from his shower. His green eyes are boring into me.

"You called." I say simply.

Dominic nods once and leans back in his chair, his hands clasped on his desk. He stays silent for a minute as his eyes rake over my appearance. "I did." He speaks finally. "I need to get your biometrics loaded into the system so that you can get back in when you're done today." He tells me.

I nod slowly.

"Come here." He commands.

I slowly walk closer to his desk, standing in front of it so that I was standing in front of him with his desk directly between us, this doesn't seem to satisfy him as he beckons me with his index finger. I walk around the large desk and come to stand near his desk chair instead.

Dominic swivels in his chair, slowly and dramatically. One of his hands reaches out and runs from my mid thigh up to my hip. "You look beautiful today, Ell." His tone is softer now.

I flush. "Thank you." I smile at him. "You look really dapper in your suits." I tell him.

"Dapper?" He smirks. "I like that." He nods once as if agreeing with himself. "All I need is for your finger print, just one but you'll have to remember which one otherwise the system will lock you out."

I look down at my hands. "Ok." I tell him.

Dominic's touch leaves me as he turns his chair back around and he looks at his computer, he clicks a few buttons before a security screen for the apartment comes up. Dominic then produces a fingerprint scanner from the drawer of his desk and holds it out to me. "Place your finger on the censor and roll it around so it can scan your whole print." He tells me, back to his authoritative tone.

I sigh, pressing my thumb on my left hand to the scanner, rolling it around as instructed. "Why such high tech security?" I ask.

"So that stupid fuckers can't break in and try to kill me." He says bluntly. Dominic seems to realise what he's said only after he's said it and flashes me an apologetic look. "It's just one of my precautions. I like to be safe, it helps to relax when you know you're safe."

I nod, understanding fully because I feel safe with him and that relaxed me.

Dominic takes away the scanner after my print shows up on his screen along with my full name and all my details. "Anyone who you bring up to the apartment, for any reason, has to be signed in downstairs. I would prefer a heads up before hand, to do background checks and all, but I doubt you'll be making friends with the wrong sort at school." He smirks.

"Ok, sure. Who would I bring here though?" I ask.

Dominic tilts his head at me as if not understanding my confusion. "Friends? You're bound to make friends at school, I mean you already made one before school's even started." He shakes his head at me when I continue to give him a look of conufusion. "You are allowed to have people over, Ell. You can have friends over to study, or hang out, or ... well I would say party but I already know you don't like the big party scene." He tells me kindly and softly.

I nod. "Ok, thank you." I tell him quietly.

Dominic stands from his big black desk chair and pulls me into a tight embrace. "Let me drive you to your coffee with the boy?" He asks me softly, murmuring his words against my hair.

"That's ok. I can take the tube... sorry the subway." I correct myself.

Dominic chuckles. "It's no issue, princess, I'm heading out that way for a meeting anyways." He tells me.

I nod slowly. "Ok then, thank you." I offer him a smile which he returns. "I'll go say bye to Max if he's awake yet."

"He won't be." Dominic laughs lightly. "Max is never awake before he has to, and those meds he's on will have him drowsy for a while." He informs me.

"I'll still check in on him at least."

"Of course." Dominic smiles. "I'll meet you at the elevator."

I nod and smile at Dominic before leaving him in his office. Downstairs in the games room Max sure enough is fast asleep, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. I snap a quick picture of him before leaving the room. I craft up a text to Max as I walk towards the elevator.

Morning sleeping beauty, will be home around 2. Let me know if you need anything picked up.

I attached the picture of him sleeping before hitting send.

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