Chapter 5

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Putting my hair into a towel before I wrapped my body in a second towel. I walked over to the bathroom counter and washed my face. 

I still couldn't shake the way Dominic had been looking at me. Why did he care how much I ate and how often? It's also a little creepy how he seems to be tracking my food. Besides for all he knew I could have eaten out with Max when we went out earlier, we didn't but Dominic doesn't know that. Those green eyes of his, they're everywhere even when he's not.

After cleansing my face I pulled my hair out of its towel and pulled out my hair dryer. I made sure to put the heat protector through my hair before turning on the hair dryer. I closed my eyes as I ran my fingers through my hair, guiding the heat through my damp hair. I let the sound of the hair dryer drown out my thoughts. Once satisfied that my hair was dry I put on a light layer of mascara and headed back out to the bedroom.

I gasped and tightened my hold on my towel as I saw Dominic standing in my room near the window wall, his back to me as he looked out the window. 

He turned his head over his shoulder and his eyes raked down my body before coming up to hold my eyes with his intense glare. 

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

He turned back to resume looking out the window. "This is my apartment." He states plainly as if it would explain everything. "Max has had to leave early for dinner. I will be driving you. We leave in twenty minutes."

"Great." I muttered to myself, annoyed that my brother left me to go to dinner with Dominic rather than telling me to be ready earlier. I had been taking my time since I thought I had plenty. I'm dreading being stuck in a car with this man, he makes me feel so uneasy and his look unnerves me.

"Go get dressed." He snaps, his gaze still focused outside.

I roll my eyes at his attitude and walk into the closet, closing the door behind me. I drop the towel and pull on some panties and a bra. I grabbed a dark green satin dress off its hanger, one of the dresses Max had brought me today, and slipped into it. It has long sleeves and ends at my knees. I looked over at the shoes Max had brought me and I shook my head. Walking over to the closet door I stuck my head back into the bedroom. "Dominic?" 

"What?" He grumbles.

"This dinner tonight, is it something that I have to wear heels to?" 

He chuckles to himself. "Wear whatever you like I don't care. Just make it quick." He orders in a hard voice.

"Fine." I grumble. I walk back towards my shoes neatly lined up and weigh up my choices. Max had brought the heels for tonight, but my trusty flats were calling out to me. Max spent money on me so I could look nice tonight. I grumbled to myself as I pulled on the heels. Scooping up my towel I went back into the bathroom to hang it up on the rail where I'd put my hair towel too. "Ready." I say as I reemerge in the bedroom.

"Finally, princess." Dominic grumbles under his breath. He turns away from the window wall and his eyes land on me. His eyes slowly rake down my body until they land on the heels I'm wearing. "Heels it is." He looks up at me and I swear I could see amusement dancing in his eyes for a brief second before it was replaced by his cold hard look. Dominic walks over to the door of my bedroom, he pauses in the door way as he turns back to look at me. He shakes his head and walks out into the hall.

I follow after him as he walks down to the first floor and to the elevator. Dominic steps into the elevator first, followed by me, and punches in the code for the parking lot. I'm suddenly aware of how small this elevator is, and how close Dominic is even though we're at opposite sides of the box. This elevator feels like it's filled with static electricity, it's getting under my skin and running free through my veins.

The elevator finally opens and I let out a breath of relief as I step off, following Dominic to his car. How am I going to survive a car ride with him? I could barely survive an elevator trip.

Dominic leads me over to a Porsche sports car. 

I gape at the car. "What is it with you and Max and your Porsche's?" I ask, though the question was more rhetorical because I hadn't expected him to answer me.

Dominic chuckles and opens the passengers door for me.

"Uh, thanks." I mutter as I carefully climb in.

Dominic closes the door gently before he strolls around to the drivers side and climbs in. "Seat belt." He commands as he pulls on his own.

I had been too busy in awe of the car. I pulled on my seatbelt and I could feel that static electricity building up again. I looked over at Dominic to find his eyes already watching me. Why does he keep doing that, watching me? "So where is this dinner taking place?" I ask to break the silence, and to try break some of the tension in this car.

"A club." He says. 

Dinner at a club? Aren't clubs where people bump and grind on each other while they're drunk? The thought of going to any club makes me nervous, going to a club with this dangerous green eyed man makes me even more nervous.

Dominic starts up the car and we're pulling out onto the street within seconds. He's driving so fast that it makes me glad I only had a small lunch today. One of my hands grips the door tightly. Dominic looks over at me and chuckles. "You don't like driving fast?"

"I... I've never been this fast within city limits before." I tell him truthfully.

Dominic slows the car down to a more reasonable speed. "Did that scare you?" He looks amused.

"My whole life flashed before my eyes."

He glances over at me and I can see a hint of curiosity within his eyes. "What did you see?" The way he asks sounds firm.

"Nothing of interest." I mutter.

Silence consumes the car again and within twenty minutes Dominic is pulling up to a stop at a valet stand.

I unclip my seat belt, getting out of the car as Dominic did and step onto the foot path. Dominic meets me on the foot path after handing his keys off to the valet, his eyes holding mine for a long moment before he turns away from me and walks towards the front of the line of a building.

The bouncer takes one look at Dominic before pulling back the rope for us, nodding his head at him.

I follow Dominic into the building and we head up the stairs almost directly off the main entrance. The place seems quiet for a club, despite the long queue waiting to get in. The soft pulsing of music fills the building rather than a roar of music I'd expected when Dominic mentioned we were coming to a club.

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