Chapter 65

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My eyes slowly blink open, white light blinding my vision temporarily before I'm able to adjust to it. I'm faced with a white ceiling and what appears to be fluorescent bulbs.

"Eloise?" A voice somewhere nearby speaks.

I turn my head in the direction I'd heard the voice to see my handsome Dominic seated next to the bed I'm lying in. "Dominic." I whisper, my voice sounding hoarse.

He returns my smile with a small one of his own, his captivating green eyes searching my face. "Hello, princess. Would you like some water?"

I nod. "Please." I whisper.

"I'm just going to sit your bed up a bit, alright?" I give another nod. Dominic grabs a remote off the side of the bed before pressing a button that gradually raises the head of the bed till I'm half sitting up. He grabs a jug of water off the side table and pours some into a cup before handing it to me.

I thank him before taking a tentative sip, when I feel the relief it brings my dry throat I down the rest of the cup. "Where am I?" I ask, looking around the somewhat stark room.

Dominic sighs and his hand squeezes mine. "You're in the hospital." He starts out. "What do you remember, Eloise?"

Remember? "I..." I shake my head to indicate I don't remember anything that would bring me here.

Dominic nods. "You've been groggy and in and out of it for a few hours. You had a small accident, you're ok but you did have to have surgery." He informs me.

"Surgery?" I croak with wide eyes.

Nodding Dominic takes my empty cup from me and places it back on the table. "It all went ok and you're going to be just fine." He tells me softly. His hand raises to my face as he strokes my cheek softly.

"What happened?"

Dominic shakes his head. "You need more rest, close your eyes and go back to sleep."

"Dominic." I say as sternly as I can muster. "What..."

He shushes me softly. "Go to sleep, the details aren't important right now."

As much as I wanted to fight him and demand he tell me, I could feel a wave of fatigue hitting me. I could feel my eyes fluttering. "Dominic." I whisper.

"I'm right here princess, I'm not going anywhere." He tells me. "I'll still be here when you wake up again." He promises.

I force my eyes open. "Hold me?" My eyes plead with him.

Dominic shakes his head, his green eyes are now looking anywhere but at my own eyeline. "You need rest."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Dom, please."

"Don't call me that." He snaps, his eyes finally meeting mine with a hard look.

My face crinkles in confusion. I'm about to ask why I cannot call him by his nickname that everyone else for him when a chuckle comes from the other side of my bed to Dominic. I twist my head against the pillow.

Max sits in a chair beside my bed too, an amused look on his face as he shakes his head at his friend. He eventually must feel my gaze on him as he turns his gaze on me instead of Dominic and smiles at me. "As arrogant as he is, he is right Ellie. You do need rest, you've only been out of surgery a few hours. We'll still be here when you wake up."

"Max." I smile dopily at him.

"Ellie." He chuckles, seeming amused.

My eyelids grow heavier and heavier until I'm unable to keep them open any more, I feel my head wiggling against the pillow in order to try to get more comfortable. I sigh. "I love you both." I whisper before sleep overcomes me.

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