Chapter 59

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"We should get going." Dominic breathes against my neck. One of his hands is running the length of my bare spine while his other is holding my thigh. 

I lean my head against the side of his, my fingers weaving through his hair. "I know." I whisper. We needed to head back into the city, I knew this was coming and yet I still find myself feeling so unprepared for it. 

My mind is pulled out of our passionate moment we'd had only minutes earlier and back into the reality of the world around us. The reality of what is waiting for us, waiting for me, when we get back to the city. 

No one knows where he is. Is he laying in wait somewhere for me? Is he hunting me? What will happen when he decides to surface again? He had been able to walk straight out of wherever Dominic's men had been holding him, surly he wouldn't risk being caught by them again so he'd likely be waiting until I'm away from them or completely alone. 

Dominic pulls his head away from me so that his green eyes can burn into me. "You're perfectly safe Ell. I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." I nod. My voice falters betraying me to show how much I didn't really believe my own words.

His hand leaves my back and grasps my jaw. "Ell. You are going to be safe 24/7. You will always have protection with you, if for some reason I have to leave then I will always leave you with someone else who will protect you." He pauses as his eyes search mine. "I promise you, princess, nothing will happen to you, nothing and nobody is going to hurt you. I swear on my own life." His voice is firm as his words hold so much conviction.

I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. I shake my head to rid my mind of my racing thoughts. "I just... I can't..."

"You won't. You won't go back there, you won't go back to him. I wouldn't allow that to happen, Eloise." Dominic says in a reassuring voice. "I can't lose you, I won't lose you." He whispers under his breath, if we hadn't been so close I'm sure I wouldn't have heard him.

I open my eyes, immediately getting captured with his. Dominic's eyes hold so much raw emotion that I'm not sure how to process it, I'm not even sure how to read all of those raw emotions within his gaze at me. I cleared my throat, feeling suddenly somewhat awkward. "We should- we should go." 

Dominic gives a simple single nod. He presses his lips to my forehead before helping me off the kitchen counter. His touch lingers on me as he stands directly in front of me, looking down at me with that same look. Dominic dips his head down and his lips greet mine, softly kissing me.

When the kiss ends we both pull away from each other to collect our clothes and get re-dressed, again. Dominic and I remain silent as we efficiently get ready for our journey back to the city. Within ten minutes we're heading out to the car.

Dominic grabs my hand as I go to walk over to the passenger side. He gently tugs me to turn back to face him.

I raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Do you trust me?" His voice is quiet and I can tell he really is unsure of what answer I may give him.

"Of course I do." I say without hesitation.

Dominic pulls me into a tight hug. "Good. Thank you." He whispers into my ear.

I wrap my arms around his torso tightly, never wanting to let him go.

"Hey." Dominic says softly to me, one of his hands rubbing up and down my back while the other stays tightly wrapped around my shoulders. "I'm never letting you go, you mean too much to me. I hope you know that."

I nodded into his chest. 

Dominic pulls out of the hug, pulling me to his side instead as he keeps his arm around my shoulders. He walks me over to the passengers door, opening it for me, his touch remaining on me in some way or another as I get into the car. Dominic wraps my seatbelt around me before pressing a firm kiss to the side of my head. 

I watch Dominic as he pulls away from me entirely, closing my door and walking around the front of the car to get into the drivers side. He buckles himself in and starts the car before his eyes meet mine. He offers me a small smile of support that seems to hold a hint of sadness and sympathy.

Dominic reaches his hand over to my lap, grabbing my hand tightly as he raises it to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently. "La mia principessa." He smiles over at me, softer and happier now as he seems to have let go of his previous emotions. 

Putting the car into reverse Dominic begins to reverse out of the driveway, his eyes still on me until I return his smile. Dominic's eyes look up at the rearview mirror and he suddenly slams on the breaks with a firm and angry look on his face now.

I turn my head over my shoulder to try see why he stopped suddenly, why he got so angry so quickly.

I want to scream. I want to cry. Silence consumes me as I look at the two figures standing a few meters behind the back of the car.

I move to unclip my seatbelt when the burning touch of someone else's hand comes down on mine, stopping me. My eyes tear away from the back window of the car, away from the two figures, to find Dominic watching me with a hard glare.

His lips are moving quickly and harshly. He's talking and yet I cannot hear him. I cannot make out the words he speaks to me.

I can feel my face contorting in confusion as I try to focus on what he's saying but I simply cannot, fear has deafened me. I shake my head hard at him twice, shaking his hand off mine before taking my belt off. My eyes return to the two figures out the back window.

Dominic grabs my arm, his touch burning into my skin as he tries again to get me to stop from leaving the car.

I shake off his touch once again, this time not looking at him. I take a large breath in preparation before I open the car door and climb out.

I am unprepared for what happens next, for what I see once I'm outside the car. Perhaps Dominic had been warning me, perhaps he had been commanding me to stay in the car, perhaps I should have tried harder to listen to him and stayed in the car. But I couldn't, I couldn't just stay put after seeing those two figures standing behind the car in the manner they'd been.

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