Chapter 11

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"Oh Ellie, someone's got a crush on you!" He laughs.

My glare only deepens. "He doesn't have a crush he was just being polite!" I argue.

"What's this?" Dominic appears as if out of thin air.

"Ellie's got herself a boyfriend." Max is holding his sides as he laughs.

I shake my head at Dominic, my eyes widening. "I don't. I don't" I say a second time more firmly directed to Max. "He was just being polite."

"Polite my arse, you talked nerd shit for two minutes and he's already getting your number." By now Max is in hysterics. "Ellie and Liam, sitting in a tree..." He trails off as he walks deeper into the apartment.

Dominic raises an eyebrow at me. "So, Liam huh?"

I shake my head. "Literally just met him, Max is exaggerating. We're going to be going to NYU together, Jeffery introduced us and we found out we were taking a couple of the same classes. Like I keep trying to tell Max, he was just being polite."

"So you have no interest in this Liam then?" He takes a step towards me making me gulp.

I shake my head, unable to speak.

Dominic now stands inches in front of me, his breath fanning over my face. "What about any other guys?" His voice is firm as he asks.

Gulping I nod.

"Who?" Dominic raises his hand so his fingers can brush against my cheek. "Tell me, Ell."

I bite my bottom lip nervously. "You." I admit in a whisper. It was no secret that I fancied Dominic, he knew this he just wanted to hear me say it.

"Good." He smirks triumphantly. He turns around and walks up stairs, taking his burning touch with him.

I headed into the kitchen after I gathered myself up from the putty Dominic had left me as, I washed out the thermos before putting the kettle on for a new brew. I took my new cup of tea up stairs with me as I sorted through the bags I'd gotten today while out in Brooklyn with Max. 

I had gotten a few small potted plants which I put on my desk and bedside tables, more books for my collection, and some prints of the countryside which reminded me of England.

I leave my room to hunt down Max to get a hammer and nails to hang up the new prints on the walls. I found Max and Dominic down in the living room talking, Max was standing while Dominic was seated.

 They both seem to notice my presence at the same time and whatever conversation they'd been having dies out completely. 

Max turns to me with a warm smile. 

"Hey, do you have a hammer and nails?" I ask Max, returning his smile.

"I think we do." Max seems to zone out for a second as he thinks about where it might be. "I'm actually on my way out to do something for work, but I'm sure if you ask nicely Dom can grab them for you." Max gives a pointed look to Dominic before turning back to me. He smiles at me, squeezing my forearm lightly as he passes by me.

I've felt Dominic's gaze on me since he noticed me in the room, only now do I meet his gaze. "What do you need a hammer and nails for? Are you Bob the Builder now?" He chuckles to himself.

I shake my head and smile. "I got some prints to hang up in my room." 

Dominic nods his head and rises from the sofa. "They're in the kitchen." I follow after him as he walks into the kitchen and rummages through a draw which looks to be filled with household tools such as screw drivers, Allan keys, and the sort. Once he's found the hammer and a box of nails he turns to me. "Lead the way, princess." This time when he uses Max's old nickname for me my heart flutters.

"You don't need to. I can do it myself." I tell him.

Dominic shakes his head and chuckles. "I know you're fully capable of doing it yourself, you're a fairly independent young lady, but if there are holes going into the walls in my apartment I'd prefer to be the one to do it myself."

"Suit yourself." I leave the kitchen and head up to my room, leaving the door open for Dominic. I walk over to my bed where I'd laid out the framed prints.

Dominic comes to stand next to me, his arm brushing lightly against mine. "These..." He turns his head and looks at me. "Do these remind you of home?"

"Home? No. But there is so much more to England than home. I always preferred the country to the cities." I tell him. "The calming sounds of nothing for miles. The soft warm breeze. The smell of the grass and flower fields." I shake my head realising I must sound ridiculous. 

"That sounds peaceful." He tells me quietly. He turns his head back to look at the prints before us. "These are really beautiful. Where do you want them?" 

I tell Dominic where I want each of the prints, holding the frames for him as he lines it up and hammers in all the hooks for me. I got six prints total which took us a little over an half an hour to hang them all up.

"Thank you." I tell him, stepping back to admire the final print that he'd just hung up for me.

Dominic walks over and places the hammer on the night stand with the box of nails before coming over to stand next to me as he too admires his handy work. His hand grazes mine and before I know it he's spinning me to face him. "Do I get a kiss for a job well done?" He quirks an eyebrow up at me.

I shrugged one shoulder. "I suppose it's the least I could do."

"Yes it really is the least you could do." He smirks, and I can feel my face flush. Dominic drops my hand to grab a hold of my hip, holding me firmly in place as his other hand comes up to cup my cheek. His lips brush against mine teasingly before I plant my lips fully on his impatiently. Dominic chuckles against my lips as he begins to kiss me, slowly and softly, taking his time. 

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