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Whoops! I accidentally made some angst! 😍

We made it successfully onto the boat and headed towards our cabin. No one was aboard the ship but us, it was pretty interesting.

"So this is what modern boats appear as?" I started to head towards the 2nd class hallways to find our room number.

"I guess. Its a nice boat to say the least."

"Yeah." And with that we finally made it to our destination, we enter the room. There where 2 beds and it was quite spacey.

"Its nicer then any of our hotels thats for sure." We place down our items near our beds.

"The view is nice." Vanitas yawned while looking out of the window.

I sit down on the nicely made bed. "Vanitas I don't know how much more I can stay here.." Vanitas sits on the bed next to mine.


"I cant do this anymore!" I look down grasping my head tightly with my hands, like im preventing myself from exploding.

"I cant pretend to be happy! Louis is dead. And will forever be dead, me being here.. Watching him laugh, watching him be happy for once, it reminds me of when I was little! I couldn't accept Louis last wish, and I hate myself for that! Now I have to pretend that didn't happened so I don't have a panic attack when I see him! I can't do it!" I start to feel water drip down my face.

"It hurts so bad Vanitas. Knowing that he could still be alive if I had your book, maybe he would be laughing.." I look up to see Vanitas stare at me with pure fear.


"I can't do this! I want to go home, but I don't? I don't know! And I know I have to go home one way or another, but Louis?! I-" Vanitas sits next to me and starts to lean against me.

"Noé its okay, i'm hear just talk to me about it. Calm down." Vanitas takes my hand, and intertwines his fingers and mine.

"I could tell this was hard for you, by how you look at Louis. What happened all those years ago?"

"Louis was a curse bearer. And he knew it the whole time, he lived with teacher and me. But before he got beheaded from his own grandfather, he asked me to kill him and I couldn't do it."

"Is that why you stuck with me?"

"No? Yes? I thought if I was with you I could save so many people and it would make up for other people dying, but it doesn't. And now, I stay around to see where this journey will take you. But I don't know anymore, I don't know how I will be able to kill you if I couldn't kill Louis.."

"Well.." Vanitas pushed me down on the bed, making himself on top of me.

Vanitas leans in near my ear. "Make sure you find a way, because your the only one I want to kill me." He ends that sentence with a soft kiss, then leaning into another kiss, instead including tongue.

After battling with our tongue, I let go.

"What is this kiss supposed to accomplish?" I chuckle, while trying to catch my breath. So many feelings where sitting in my stomach, sadness, anger, confusion and a stir of happiness.

"Its to make you feel better, and to make me feel good."

"So my mouth makes you feel good?"

"I suppose you could word it like that. If you want me to stop I can."

"No, continue." Soon enough Vanitas goes in for another kiss this one more aggressive then before. Vanitas places his hands on the side of my face to help him keep on target. He slowly starts to head towards my neck.

"Wait. What if they see a mark?" My face turns red.

"Fine, not yet then." Not yet?!

Vanitas leans in for one more kiss, but I feel my eyes getting heavy. I realize how early Carie woke us up and how nice this felt..

"Noé, wake up their starting to board the ship."

"Huh?" I start to wake up, but then I remember what happened before I fell asleep. How did I get under the sheets? Did Vanitas do this?

"I have a question."

"Im all ears." Vanitas says sitting on his bed looking through the cruise's brochure, annoyed. Why is he annoyed? I just woke up!

"What are we? Just friends, because we don't feel like friends.." I feel hot again.

"Uh.." The door suddenly opens.

"Hello! Glad you guys made it aboard!" Carie stands at the door frame holding her luggage, behind her stands.. Dante?!

"Uh hi." Dante says chuckling.

"Anyway i'm going to get settled, Louis said to meet them in their cabin at 10, check your clock for the time. Alright! Byeee!" Carie closes the door.

"Well that was something. Dante looks like he's 20!" I laugh.

"In our realm too." Vanitas laughs along.

"So is there an answer to my question yet?" Im still curious on the answer.

"Well, I don't know. Could you wait a little longer for my answer?" Vanitas sits on my bed next to me.


"Also, look at some of this stuff, seems like things you may enjoy." Vanitas shows my the brochure, and points to some activity's.

"Well if i'm going, your going too." I smirk.


Soon enough the time hits 10:00 am.

"Ready to go my love?" I try to say with a straight face.

"Oh shut up." Vanitas and I head to Louis' room.

Noé having emotional trauma = Kiss.

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