Big Boat

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Big Boat.

"What are the chances of that honestly?" Jeanne ask.

"This is so exciting! All of us should go together!" Louis looked like he was about to scream.

"Thats great honestly, but when is the cruise? And who are we going to take as our 7th?"

"Oh our 7th.. We can worry about that later, beacuse we have no time to spear! The cruise is tomorrow, and we aboard the ship at 9am!"

"TOMORROW?" Everyone but me and Vanitas screamed.

"Yeah! I know you guys are low-lives and have nothing going on. You'll be fineee. I'll message you what you need today so you can pack tonight!"

"Then were leaving now! It takes more then a cuple minutes to pack and we need to ask our parents firstly."

"Fine! Come on everyone we are leaving, we must ask for permission, and gather our passports!"

Louis then leads us all to his car where he soon drive us all to Caries home so Vanitas, Carie and I can gather our things, and for Jeanne to grab her car.

"What a so-far day." Carie ragdolls onto the couch, and me and Vanitas follow.

"I have questions, whats a cruise and a passport?"

"A cruise is a big boat, and a passport it.." Carie stopped to think.

"Ah shit."

"What is it?"

"You guys don't have passports." Carie looked annoyed. Then happy. "A passport is a way to travel out of America, or really any country. Its just to stop
terrorist from entering and a lot of more reasons, but we don't need to get into that. But anyway I think I found an idea of how to sneak you guys onto the ship."

"So i'm going on another trip.. Great." 

"Vanitas stop acting so annoyed by it, I know your excited." I look at Vanitas with a smile.

"Not at all. Just tell us your plan already." Vanitas closes his eyes again.

"Alright, alright. My plan is that you guys enter the ship really early, you're strong and can jump onto the boat when it enters the port. I have a friend that works on that ship, somehow.. They'll be able to cover thats you came with the rest of the crew and that she scanned your passports already. Sound good?"

"Sounds decent."

"Good! Ill wake you up around 4am to leave, then you guys can enter the ship. Just chill in the room number Louis sent us, we have 4 cabins in 2nd class. You guys got that?"

"Im still stuck on the 4am part!" Thats crazy.

"Well snap out of it and go pack! Ill get you guys some suit cases. Louis says it last 3 days, so pack 4 pairs of clothes just incase and your bathing suits, and whatever else you want." Carie gets up and heads upstairs to grab the suitcases.

"Don't fall off the couch from excitement." Vanitas says laughing.

"I cant help it!" I grab both of Vanitas shoulders and start shaking him. "This is so fun! And the secret stuff were going to do!"

"You get excited from everything, and stop shaking me." I stop shaking Vanitas but I keep my hands on his shoulders.

"Whoops." I say, then Vanitas moves a piece of hair out of my face.

"Your hair is so messy, try making it less in your face."

I take my hands off his shoulders. "Im fine."

Carie comes down with 2 small suitcases. "Here you boys go! Do make sure you don't break them. Now go pack or whatever."

Vanitas and I both take the suitcases back up the stairs, why did Carie even bring them down the stairs? I enter my room to see the cat hanging out of the bed.

"Hello kitty, how are you?"

"MeurRR." The cat lays on its back, and begins to roll around.

"Aw!" I chuckle to myself, and think how nice this cat is compared to Murr.

I start to pack all the clothes I have basically, which is not a lot. It wasn't fun packing, it was mostly boring and I didn't know how to bring my toothbrush along without getting it dirty within the suitcase..

"Hey Carie what do I do to my toothbrush so it doesn't get dirty?" I enter the living room to see Carie resting on the couch.

"Just use a bag inside the 3rd drawer to the right."

"Okay, thanks." I go back to my room, happy with how I packed, but not happy that I don't own any souvenirs yet.

Little did I know that the day would end so fast, I was already tired and decided to sleep.

"Wake up, we need to continue with the mission."

"Misshion?" Whats her talking?

"Noé, i'll make my cat bite you. Get up."

"Oh Carie, okay." Carie wakes me up, and takes me and Vanitas into her car with our suitcases to drive to the so called "Port".

"Remember the plan?"

"Yes, yes. And me and Noé get the last cabin, and I have to share a room with this idiot again."

"Hey! It should be the other way around dumbass."

"Were here, lets go."

"This is the cruise, also known as a big ship?" Vanitas and me exit the car and walk towards the big ship.

"Yes, get Vanitas and yourself in there. Ill be on my way now." Carie walks back to her car.


"Sure." I scoop Vanitas up, and enter the ship. Mission succeeded.

Some cute scenes coming up :). Sorry there is not much ship action, I got lured into my story and I haven't seen any good moments to make some cute scenes :P.

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