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I think you guys will like the reference from the intro I had in this :D!

As the car ride went on I couldn't help to wonder what Vanitas seemed so annoyed about earlier. Yes, we may be in a lot of predicaments as of now, but doesn't seem irrational to not enjoy the time we have here still?

"We're here!" Carie sang as we pulled up into a parking spot.

"Great." Vanitas says sarcastically. Irrational.

"Vanitas can you go one day without being an asshole, your so annoying. If you didn't want to come you should have just stayed at the house." I had to say it, he needs to stop being a jerk.

"Dumbass! Im not an asshole, and I don't want to stay home!" He sneered.

"Alright guys shut up, lets go inside already."

We exit the car, and enter the ice skating rank. I feel like I don't have to mention my feelings as i'm sure everyone could guess what I was thinking. Just like the waterpark, they put bands around our wrist then they let us into the area where we supposedly put on our shoes for ice skating.

"Thank you Carie for bringing us here!" I sincerely was excited to start skating but was also very nervous, I don't even know how?!

"No problem." Carie smiled and looked down, as if she felt relieved. "I'll go get the shoes now, luckily I know your guys shoes sizes, i'll be back." And she walked off. (Carie knows all ofc)

"You're a jerk to her Vanitas." I say that out of the blue, but I want Vanitas to act more mature.

"What?! No i'm not." Vanitas sat there in silence, "Okay maybe i'm kinda a jerk.. But i'm a jerk to everyone!"

"But you shouldn't be a jerk to Carie, she took us in while we're stuck here. You know how much of a risk that is to her?!" I start to see Carie walk back.

"I suppose i'll be nicer.."

Carie hands us the shoes to put on, obviously we knew how to fit our foot into the shoe, but not so much so towards tying the laces. So instead of trying our selves Vanitas and I just asked Carie to tie them. Well Vanitas kept trying until Carie insisted and stole the laces from him. After tying our shoes we stood up, somehow we were balanced, and we walked to the rank.

"So its pretty simple, you just put one foot at a time gliding it forward." Carie was satisfied with that explanation then showed us a representation.

"See its not that hard!" Even though her explanation sucked, her representation looked pretty simple, so I go onto the ice and did exactly what she did.

"Thats all your going to give us?! Noé how are you doing this?!"

"Im just doing exactly what Carie did! Give it a shot." And Vanitas did exactly that, but instead of getting it right away like I somehow did, he fell face first into the ice.

"Vanitas are you alright?" I skate over to the entrance were he fell.

"Owww. I think?" He got up with the help of the wall, then started skating towards me. Without falling this time.

"Now what?"

"Just skate!" I give a slight smile, and start to skate around.

It was so fun, the rush of adrenaline was real, just skating around seeing so many new faces was phenomenal. I then see again Vanitas and head over towards to him.

"What are you-?" I grab his hands to start spinning us around, I start laughing this was so fun! I see a slight smile come across Vanitas face, then my grip on his hands begin to slip, uh oh..

I let go of Vanitas hands and we both fly down to hit the cold ice floor. "Whoops.."

Vanitas doesn't kill me for it, instead he chuckles. "That was fun in all, but I think I need to sit out. My legs hurt." Vanitas says half smiling.

"Ill go with you, I will admit this sport is tiring on the legs."

Vanitas and I walk to sit on the bleachers outside the rink were you would skate.

"Noé. Do you think we'll ever get out of this realm?.." He looked at me with a concerned face.

"I think we'll get out of here soon, maybe?.." I look down, I don't want to stay here forever. Carie steps out the rank and walks towards us.

"You guys are tired already? Well that alright i'm going to continue, yell or something if you need help." Carie walked back into the rink.

"No, Vanitas I know we'll get out of here. One way or another." Then I feel someone tap my back.

"Noé is that you?." I look back to see. No? It cant be..

New World (Vanoé)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon