The Different World

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I step threw the yellow, and light blue portal. Accidentally of course. I start to feel my head pound, like someone was hitting in constantly with their fist. Then the pain transfers and begins to make my head feel like its to big for my for my neck to support it. Where's vanitas? I cant feel the rest my body, why? What is this? It feels like the flash grenade Roland flung at me a while back. Like gravity is weighing more than usual, and what he sees is the same mixed, blurred version of colors.

I feel something hit my head knocking me out of the so called trance.

"What just.." I reach out to my head to see if I can feel it with my senses, only to see that im bleeding. Good news, I could feel the scratch on my head and could feel the blood slowly flowing out onto my hand.

"Vanitas?" I look to my right, the alley was dark from the shadow of the roof,  but it was light enough to be able to see him lying there. I get up off the ground and run towards him, stumbling.

"Vanitas are you alright?" I say in a panic, still trying to get used to feeling my body again.

"You dimwit, do you know what you just did!" Vanitas said, not even answering my question.

I feel a so much heat it's almost overwhelming, isn't it winter time? Why is it so hot?

"You should have warned me earlier, its not all my fault you know. I was just looking how far away it was, but I didn't think it would appear in front of us." I cross my arms, he still didn't answer my question.

"Tsk." I reach out my hand to help vanitas up, for some reason?

He took my hand and we both looked towards the end of the alley. "So why is it so hot in winter vanitas, im burning up, it seems questionable."

I take off my coat and rest it on my arm, I most likely would have over heated if I would have kept the coat on any longer.

"Well, as you know we are in a diffrent realm." He starts waking towards the end of the alley way, I follow.

"So get ready for some changes, and I doubt we'll be in Paris, so make sure not to get too exited. We still have a job, and thats to get out of this realm, and heal the curse bearer."

He has a point.

I look out the alley to horrible things, "What are those?" I say frightened.

The things I see remind me of the astermight powered cars we have in París, but they look nothing of the sort? Meaning they must be malnomans!

"There nothing to be afraid of Noé. I believe they are modernized cars. Ignore them, we should start looking around for a place to stay, I'm sure will be here for a little longer then expected." We then decide to follow a pathway, along the side of the road.

"Vanitas do you think this realm includes vampires, and why do we need to stay here. Cant you just
get us out with your book?" I didnt want to stay here for to long, I havent had blood in months, its not like I need to have it, but the taste of it is not easy to forget. Plus Domi was soon to visit and to miss out on her and her blood is a lost.

Vanitas grabs my arm harshly, mostly because I started to drift towards as the intresting and marvelous buildings. "No. the book is a lot more complicated then that idiot, I can't just use it to get out of any situation. Dont you read books? How are you so idiotic."

"I am not idiotic, pardon me for not understanding a book I know nothing about." He's so irritating. Yet I can't help but to stare at him any chance I get.

There are so many people walking around, isnt it dangerous? Those "modernized cars" on the road are moving so fast, faster then the vehicles we have. They might run over me in a heart beat, and I wouldn't be able to react.

A little of walking later, Vanitas walks up to a person walking amongst the path. They seem to be wearing an T-shirt and short pants? And those shoes are so different, they have lots of tiny holes, do these beings breath out of their feet?

"Do you know where the closest Inn would be mademoiselle?" I could tell the person looked uncomfortable from the question he had just asked. Or she could just be concerned for the blood dripping from the top of my head.

"Uh. Yeah, there should be one right that way." She pointed straight ahead.

"Much appreciated, ma'am" I say, exited to see this realms hotels intricate designs.

"Yeah." she started to walk away, yet it seemed more of a jog then a walk.

"So we just follow the path till the Inn sign?" Well she did point in the way we were already walking. After I got the idea Vanitas decided to let go of my arm, forgetting that he was still angrily holding it.

"I guess so." And we start walking again.

All the buildings were to the right of us as we were walking, the left side consisted of the cars. Finally we reached a sign saying, "The Off Road Inn". We have Inn's in Paris, but it looked a bit more run down. We entered not knowing anything. I couldn't help but be amazed. The floor was black painted wood, yet some spots were left unpainted. Not only was the floor interesting but so was the smell, that consisted of fish. That may seen like a bad thing, but usually things smell so good in Paris! The Inn was very cramped, but not too cramped to were we couldn't move.

"Excuse me sir, could we get a room?" I try to hold back my screech of joy, I absolutely love this realm!

The man at the counter looks at us judgmentally.

"2 beds I assume? Would you like to pay with cash or card." He assumed wrong. I mean I wouldn't mind 1 bed.

Card? What does that mean? Does he mean a letter, and what are those long tubes he has in a cup near his sheets of paper? Everything is so confusing yet interesting.

"Enough of this gibberish." I could tell Vanitas was tired, when he pulled out his book I knew what he was going to do next. Vanitas then knocks the man out and puts him to sleep.

"What was that for vanitas?" I start to get worried, what if someone saw that! They're not from our realm, they may think that we did was witchcraft.

"Admit it Noé, we dont know where we are, or what a "card" is. This realm really is dumb, and very confusing. Maybe if you were smart enough to not step right into that portal, we wouldent be here." Why does he have to be like this? Blaming me just to make everything easier like I didn't already know what happened.

All the things I do to help Vanitas and he still acts like an ass, I know he doesn't ask for my help but gratitude would be nice now and then. Vanitas then takes a key, or what we assume is a key for a room, and we walk around to try and find the room number.

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