New Food

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This part might be a little gruesome, so just a heads up! Enjoyyyyyyyyyy!!!

We arrive at the restaurant, The drive was about 30 minutes. But it felt shorter due to Vanitas telling me to shut up the whole time. The only reason he did that was because I would gasp each time I saw something cool. It was so interesting, everything in this realm was so much more put together, I loved all the cool technology that we didnt have. The restaurant itself was lit up green, with a middle aged mans face on the top of it, (That was a weird design..)

There were so many people around with interesting clothing, and the language was the same, but grammar was out of the question..

"This is the place? Why is there a middle aged mans face on it, a little strange." Vanitas says whilst exiting the vehicle.

(See i'm not the only one!?)

"Don't judge a book by its cover!" Carie stops walking and puts one arm up, and the other on her hip.

"This place may be the best restaurant in all of Florida." She looked so persuasive, I was exited to try the food.

As we were going in I started to realize how diffrent vanitas was acting this week. In what part of his mind was he actually risking his memories? He's been more lenient towards me. I wont complain, its nice to have more fun, but what is it with the sudden change, ill ask him about it later, right now I want food.

We got a table near the window at a booth, the place had an miniature sized aquarium in the dead center. The restaurant was dimly lit by a green light but it was enough to be able to see everything. There were pictures on the wall with the mans face, as well as other weird objects, (Mostly green objects.)

"So these are the menus? Ive never heard of any of these foods though." I frown, whats a "burger"?

"Its okay, ill just explain them to you!" Carie looked so happy I scooted my chair back just incase she might explode, but im glad. For the time me and Vanitas have been here, she has been so much more joyful then the first day we met her.

"Okay, thanks."

Carie started explaining the foods, apparently a burger is 2 slabs of bread with a meat patty and other vegetables in the middle. (Who comes up with this? I mean its like a sandwich, but its not?) Vanitas was exploring Caries phone, which he stole out of her hand due to his curiosity.

"Hello i'm Tracy! I'll be your server today! Would you like any drinks to start off?" The waiter was tall, and had heavy makeup on.

"Yes ill take a CikiCila please." As Carie said that aloud, the name sounded so funny..

"Okay." she looks directly at me, which kinda startled me.

"I'll just have a lemonade please!!" I may have said that a little to loud, but you cant blame me this restaurant was so interesting it was overfilling my scenes. She wrote down something then looked at Vanitas, who was sitting next to me across from Carie.

"I'll take water please." Vanitas was still aggressively tapping Caries phone.

"Okay! Ill get your drinks out soon!" She walked away with our drink orders.

"So, do you idiots know what your getting?" Carie took her phone back from Vanitas.

"Oysters." Vanitas picks up a fork and starts playing with it.

"Ill get the burger." I decided to get it since I wanted to try something new from this realm.

Our drinks came out, the lemonade was sour and very sweet, just how I like it. When she gave us our drinks we also ordered our food, I was so excited to try the burger too!

"Noé, do you ever chill out?" Vanitas asked while sighing.

"I do, you cant blame me? We're in a new place with so many diffrent things. Oh, and I need to head to the restroom, if you don't mind." Lemonade was the cause.

"Nope, your not allowed to leave, you'll probably get lost in there." Carie chuckled to his comment. Vanitas is such a pain, sometimes I wonder why the hell I stay with him.

"Whatever, asshole."




When the food came out of the kitchen it smelt like pure oil, but I decided to try it anyway. Carie was already almost done with her meal, and its been only 5 minutes since the food was put on the table. The food was very salty but super enjoyable, Vanitas wanted to try one of my fries, but that was an understatement because he ended up eating all of them.. The burger was big, but when I took a bite of it I exploded! The taste was amazing!! I couldn't stop eating it, I could tell Carie could tell that I was enjoying it, because she started giggling.



The kitchen burst into flames, and I knew instantly the cause of it. I then grabbed Vanitas and Carie on either sides of me and jumped out, the scene was horrendous, all you could see where many random citizens lying there catching aflame, but I couldn't do anything. I just stood there, useless.

"What the hell?!" Carie screamed, we stood on the top of the next building looking over. As Vanitas once said, you cant always save anyone. But watching the scene ahead still hurt.

"Vanitas we need to look for the portal, Carie stay here." Vanitas looked panicked.

"Right i'll call 9-11." She looked in shock, poor Carie, all her joy was fading.

"Vanitas lets go, now." I grabbed Vanitas and we caught sight of the bat like beast, to think this beast was the cause of this mess. I would kill it myself, but I knew we had to save the person inside of it.

"Vanitas is the portal still there?" Home.

"I don't think so. I also can't do anything with the book, meaning I cant help the person find their true name. We have to run and wait longer Noé." Longer?..

"Are you sure we can wait more?.. I suppose your right." I didn't want to admit it, but the beast was to strong for me to fight myself, and I cant risk getting separated from Vanitas. So we both headed back to Carie. As we did that the beast disappeared back into a portal. Leaving us to wait longer.

New World (Vanoé)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora