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Im not interested in much books, I have a very picky brain and I only like ones that are funny :P. Thats how I started watching, and reading manga, books where just getting to boring. And none of my friends read books so I don't know anything to read :,( 😭 ANYWAY! ENJOY THIS ONE!!! (Also any book suggestions?)

Carie's library was huge. It reminded me a lot of teachers library, teacher.. I wonder how he's doing.

"So what type of books do you read?" Im suprised Vanitas even cares.

"Any that are interesting really, I dont like slow books. I want ones that make me excited to start reading." I took a book out of place to read the back, "Carmil realizes she's in love with Mikey and..." Nope. Romance isn't my type.

"Im not to good at reading. I never read that much, only my own book." Vanitas sits on the couch and starts to play around with a pen that he just found. (A pen was that long tube thing from the Inn!)

"Makes sense." I take out a couple more books, and place some of the ones I like on a nearby table.

"Anyway... Want to check out those "bat" books, she's definitely hiding something. I could tell by her tone of voice." He did a slight smirk as if he was excited.

"No way." I place another book in my "maybe" pile.

"Carie trust us, i'm not breaking that trust because you where curious."

"And your not curious? Come on you're always curious." Vanitas looks annoyed.

"Vanitas i'm not looking at the books."

"Ill force you to then."

"What?! No were not looking at the books." He gets out of the chair and grabs my hand only to start pulling me to the "B" isle.

"Nope! Vanitas let go you idiot!" How could this small of a man be so strong?

"Come on, don't you want to see whats inside the books?!" We where playing tug of war with my arm, it hurt..

"No way. It's probably just a book about bats!" Seriously, I think my arm might get ripped off soon.

(Just like that one time with my hand..)

"If only my book worked I could knock you out, and make you." He's so powerful with that book...

"Sucks for you, and your stupid book, now let go!" My arm!

"Fine, whatever you're so boring." Finally my arm is free..

"Im not boring! I just don't want to be alone in this world with no place to sleep!" He's so annoying.

"Vanitas you need to learn to fucking respect people, you don't like people prying into your past life. If Carie doesn't want you reading a certain book then respect that you dumbass."

"Your right somehow. Im just bored, I need the thrill of our life back." I agree with him. I miss our life, and chasing curse bearers together.

"Yeah. But we'll get out of here soon. Hopefully.." Do I really want to leave? Yes.. No?

Vanitas then goes back to the chair, while I look for some more books. I pick out 2 I like, and decide to read them. When I went to look for Vanitas to leave, I found him sleeping, it was only 5... He looked so unguarded, even awake he lost most of his strength due to the book not working. I then kiss him on his forehead, I needed to pay him back a little for the Tarte Tatin.

I take the 2 books to my room to start reading them. They were pretty interesting, one of them was about a detective that was determined to live for 1 more year, so he spends his last year by enjoying himself more. It sounded pretty cliché but I decided to give it a try, the second book was a little more of my tea. The second book was about a kid whose afraid of everything gets forced to do stuff he hates the most. Its kinda sinister, but I think its an interesting topic to write about.

I read about 7 chapters of the detective story, and let me tell you.. Its a lot better then they make it out to be in the summery. But being sat in a bed for about 2 hours made me hungry, I wanted some dinner. I walk down the stairs to see Carie in the same spot I saw her in when I left.

"Have you even moved?"

"Nope, taking care of weird outsiders is exhausting."

"Ill leave you to it then." She did seem quite tired.

I walk to the kitchen to see what to eat, more Tarte Tartin? No, Vanitas would surly kill me. What about cereal? We usually make it in the mornings, but i'm sure its an normal dish to eat at 7 o'clock. I pour in a good amount of cereal, then pour in the milk. The cereal was called Crunchy Captain, it was really sweet but tasted delicious with the milk mixed in.

I place my cereal to start eating, but first I go check by the library to see if Vanitas was still there. I look in the chair to see no Vanitas, no surprise there. I was surprised he even took a nap..

I eat the cereal and head back to my room, its only 7:37 and i'm nearly wiped. Reading takes a lot out of a person.. But I decided to read more anyway, what else was I going to do?

My note >
Woah? Noé finally saw Vanitas face while he was sleeping?!!

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