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THIS ONE IS CUTE, I hope you'll like it! :p

"No!." I turn away.

"You have to wake up Noé. Or I guess we wont go to the waterpark." She takes off the covers, I'm so cold god damnit.

"Whats a waterpark? I thought we're going to the beach?" I ask with my eyes still adjusting.

"Same thing, but better."

"Carie, I'm so exhausted." I bundled up to get more body warmth. I really was tired, but I'm not sure why.

"I don't care, get your lazy ass up."

Vanitas then walks in only to lean against the door frame, "Someone gets my pain now."

I wake up after about 10 minutes of Carie screaming my name and get dressed into the swimware. Apparently swim wear is only pants, which is quite odd. To Vanitas its probably worse that he only has to wear pants, Vanitas has scars all over his body. Carie said the marks of possessions would be normal, because people will just think there "tatoos" but people will stare at scars, no doubt about it. Vanitas didnt seem to care that much though, which is exactly why I think he's changed, he always covers it up. I was still wearing a shirt until we would actually get in the water, and I think Vanitas had the same idea. Carie was wearing only a Bra and pair underwear but when I asked her,

"Wont you get arrested? Your practically naked." She said that its perfectly normal somehow. I leave my room, to help Carie bring a bag of towels and "sun lotion?" into the car. Vanitas just watched from behind as always.

The car rides are always fascinating, the area around was amazing, buildings and buildings for miles, and sometimes I would see beautiful artwork on them. I knew Vanitas was still trying to find a way out of here, he had that same look on his face when he's thinking. Even I tried to think of an escape plan but it led no where. I really hope I didn't get us trapped here, no matter how amazing this realm is, I cant just leave my whole life behind.

"We're here, finally." The car ride was pretty long, I could see why Carie was alittle annoyed.

We enter into the park, the person at the desk tells us to put on these bracelets, and after that we walk inside.




There were slides everywhere, and where the slides would end where big pits full of water. I couldn't wait to go and enjoy it. But first we had to put our stuff into lockers, then we got to the fun.

I smile. "So what should we do first Carie?!"

"I say, we have a water gun fight!" She pulls out 2 of the water guns.

"With real guns?! wont we get hurt? Thats insane!" What is Carie thinking!?

"No, just take one dummy. All it does is shoot water." She hands me a water gun, I then feel a rush of cold water gush down my back. It was cold, so very cold, and I knew instantly who did it.

"Vanitas! You're dead!" I start aiming my water gun towards Vanitas, and luckily I hit him every time.

Carie then starts to shoot me, we then all continued shooting back and forth untill we were all drenched in ice cold water. It was hilarious, this was fun. Then Carie decided we should all truce and enjoy the park. The slides were as tall as buildings, ever time you went down the slide air would rush against you. I loved it.

We soon got bored of the slides, (When I say "We" I mean Vanitas and Carie. I could go for hours.) And decided to chill in the lazy river.

Suddenly we advert our attention to a giant scream, coming from one of the nearby slides. We all look to were the scream came from, only to see a giant bat like figure.

"Vanitas thats.."

"Yeah." Vanitas looks shocked, Carie only looked confused.

"Is that the malnoman thingy?" Carie asks abruptly.

We climb out of the pool, and me and Vanitas rush towards it. We see the curse bearer in sight, and we don't stop running. The malnoman soon opened a portal again, as if to mock us. We both picked up the pace to make sure we were able to reach it. We were about in inch away, before the malnoman walked through the portal closing it again.

"Shit." Vanitas says, he looked like he was about to have a fit. I had the same printed expression.

Carie catches up with us. "So that was your ticket home, and it poofed just like that? damn."

Gladly not much people saw the malnoman. Unfortunately I could tell someone was injured, not a lot but still enough to get me thinking.

I snap myself out of the blood trance, "Vanitas, Carie I'll be in the bathroom." I didnt have to say anything else for Vanitas to know what that ment.

"Ill just go with you." Vanitas says at an Instant.

"Alright im going to chill back at the pool. After you guys are done meet me there." She heads off.

I get to the bathroom and look in the mirror, damn why cant I control myself.

"Noé do you need it that badly, thats a little absurd?" Vanitas walks in.

"Yes. I need some now, or I might regret it later." I cant wait any longer, I pin Vanitas to the wall, and bite down.

To my surprise there was no flood of memories, just delicious blood. the blood was so sweet, I never want to stop drinking it. Please just a little longer.

Vanitas then pushed me off.

"Sorry, I think im better now." Vanitas wouldent look my in the eye.

"You didnt see any memories?" He was still looking the other way.

"Nope! You were right." This is so cool, no memories..

"Okay then. You better be satisfied, because your not getting anymore." Vanitas went back to the pool after wiping the blood off his neck, he never made eye contact in that bathroom.

I decided to actually go to the bathroom. But on my way back all I could think about was how delicious Vanitas blood was.

When I arrived back at the pool, Carie and Vanitas were splashing eachother so I decided to join in as well. We all burst out laughing when we had stopped, we realized how childish splashing eachother was.

Deja vu.

It was about another hour until we all decided to leave, the skys were turning a beautiful orange, and we all were very warn out. To think we were there for almost 6 hours was absurd, we haven't even eaten all day.

"Lets go out somewhere to eat!" Carie says, (Which was surprising to hear, since I was thinking we all were going head back to her house.)

"Like where?" Funny I asked this not knowing any restaurants in this realm.

"Hmmm what about Flapagins? Oh, thats right you guys don't know what that is, anyway I'll just take you there. Im sure you'll enjoy it!" As I looked at Carie from the passenger seat, I noticed how happy she looked, it made me glad.

New World (Vanoé)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant