Dutch x Y/N - Leaders Pt1

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Will continue for another one or two chapters. Maybe three.
Coming up chapters will contain:
- Gore
- Swearing

Word Count - 1323


'Van Der Linde Gang Vs O'Driscoll Gang'

'Before the Blackwater Massacre, Dutch Van Der Linde and Colm O'Driscoll had been at each other's necks for years and it is still going on today as we've seen in Valentine. But recently we've heard news that both Gang's will be meeting up at somewhere in the Heartlands meaning that the law will be around the area and so will the PDA (Pinkerton Detective Agency). Many also say that the Van Der Linde Gang and O'Driscoll Gang will join forces again but most doubt that will happen. If you hear anything else about this, please tell your nearest law man or sheriff.'

As I read the paper I think to myself, "This'll be the perfect way to earn some money!" So I gallop my way back to my gang's camp, which happens to be one of the most famous gangs to ever live, The Night Walkers. We're most known for robbing trains, banks, stagecoaches, you name it, during the night. And what makes our gang more unique than the others, is that we often kill a few of the same species, sometime different, and leave their bodies semi hidden but most are still able to spot it. Either that or we sometimes use another gang's members' corpses such as the O'Driscoll's or Murfree Brood.

Once I've finally arrived to my gangs camp at HorseShoe Overlook, I hitch my Arabian mare onto the hitching post and jump off from in the saddle. "Can I get your attention everyone?" I yell out to my gang. I walk over to the middle of camp and make my announcement. "Thank you everyone. Now I have a plan that most likely will get us just enough money to get our asses out of here, and to Tahiti or Australia! I'm still not quite sure yet.." I say getting a small chuckle out of everyone.

"Now, this plan will contain two of the most popular gangs currently going around. The Van Der Linde Gang and the O'Driscoll Gang. I know what you're all thinking, that I must be crazy to even consider anything of the sort! But please, just here me out.. My plan is quite simple really. All we've got to do is help out one of the gangs get their revenge on the other and hand them into the law and then we betray the gang we had 'helped' and also hand them into the law which will give us plenty of money to get out of here! Considering that their leaders and possibly a few members of the gangs have a 5,000 dollar bounty on their heads.. So, who's with me?" I yell out to them all as they start to cheer at my plan.

"But what if things go sideways for us?" One of my men asks me as I walk into the crowd. "Well I guess we're staying in America for a little while longer," I reply with a grin still plastered on my face.

(Time skip next day)

As my men (and women) and I start packing for at least a weeks trip, the elder group, camp cook, and the ladies who keep this camp in order stay behind and begin saying their goodbyes. I then notice the couple of the camp, Miss Irene Mc'Alister and Sir James Opal say their goodbye which seems to be a very love filling kiss. I wish one day that I would be able to be in a relationship like that but the way I'm going, I highly doubt it.

As we get on our horses, James, as you would say, my most trusted associate or right hand 'man', asks me, "So where exactly are we going?" "Heard that we would be able to meet up with Dutch and his Van Der Linde gang up near Rhodes," I reply explaining where we're going and secretly hoping that my plan will work this time. The last few plans I've recently had haven't gone quite to plan and ended up in a lot of shooting and death. But they were big plans, the smaller ones however have been quite successful.


When we've finally reached an area between Rhodes and Caliga Hall, both areas owned by the Grays, we jump off our horses and walk a little ways away from them to find Dutch and a few of his gang members sitting on the backs of their horses. For the record, I've never seen how Dutch Van Der Linde looks like but if I did earlier, I may have thought twice about this. "Well I guess it's too late now?" I say to myself quietly so no one is able to hear. And fortunately, no one does.

"Mr Van Der Linde! It's a pleasure to finally meet you.." I say walking up to him as he and the rest of his gang slide of their horses and walk over towards my gang. "Hello there miss, may you be the Night Walker gang?" Dutch asks unsurely. "Yes we are! But you seem confused?" I reply to him sounding almost just as confused as him. "Well, would you possibly know where your leader is?"

I look at him shocked then giggle to myself a little as does the rest of my gang. "You're looking at her!" I exclaim while Dutch's face turns a slight rosy pink in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry miss." "It's alright, I get that a lot. And please, call me Y/N."

"Alright then Miss Y/N. Now, what was it you wanted to meet us here for?" "Well, I've recently heard that you and that Colm O'Driscoll was going to have a reunion.." I begin while Dutch's face slowly becomes unsure. "And I thought that if things go South for yous' then it might be handy if you have extra gun men and women. Also, at the end of it all, if everything doesn't go South, then you'd be able to hand them over to the law and imagine how much money yous' would get! I know that you might not be able to but we would and it'd be nice to be able to rely on another gang for help.."

Dutch thinks for a few moments before sighing. "You may be right Miss Y/N, but how can we trust you?" he replies making my insides go a little bit excited. "Let us help you with a few robberies during the next week or so and if you trust us enough by then, you can lead us into your camp and we'd be more than happy to help provide and do chores around your camp for you and we are able to feed ourselves.." I explain on the spot almost sounding a touch bit needy. Dutch thinks again for another moment and replies simply, "Sure. But if we find out that you're up to anything, we won't hesitate to shoot."

"I promise you Mr Van Der Linde, we won't do anything to hurt you or your gang."

"Dutch," is all he says as he shakes my hand to make closure on the deal before both himself and his gang jump back into their saddles, on the backs of their horses. Once they're finally out of eyes reach, we too walk back to our horses and jump back on. "Everything seems to be going well," comments one of my men, David or as we like to call him, Davey. "So far," I reply. "So far."

Then we ride to the lake located near Rhodes and start unpacking and set up a temporary camp for the next week or so.


This is definitely something I have not written before or even close to what I've written before so this oneshot will be interesting! I do hope you are enjoying this fanfic and if you are, please considering voting and commenting down your comments and ideas!

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