Dutch x Y/N - Leaders Pt2

200 2 1

- Long chapter
- Swearing
- Gore

Word Count - 1537


It's been almost a week now and my gang and I have been on a few robberies with Dutch and his gang. They've only been fairly small though but it's fair enough. Anyway, Dutch has asked me to come alone to a spot near where our current camp is except down into the trees. So as I saddle up my Arabian mare, I also tell my gang where I'm heading off to but not the exact location just in case.

Once I've finally gotten onto my horse, I trot my way over to the area that lays through the trees. When I'm through, I find a fairly big camp, maybe the same amount of people in there as mine. When Dutch spots me, he calls out to the few gang members running up to me thinking that I'm an intruder. "Y/N!" he yells out to me. "Glad you could make it, like the camp?"

"Sure," I reply simply hitching my horse up to a free post. "Why'd you bring me here?" I then ask Dutch walking over to him and taking off my hat so I can take my hair out of its pin. "Well, I figured that you should meet the rest of our gang," he replies motioning towards the rest of his gang. I lightly giggle childishly while Dutch continues talking, "And you're right about how we should probably have more than just ourselves to rely on if the circumstances ever come to that."

Dutch then gestures me to follow him which leads us both into what looks like to be his tent. "Nice setup," I comment looking at the book titled, 'The American Inferno'. "Ooh, you've also read this book?" I ask him holding it up close to me. "Oh that old silly book? I suppose, never finished reading it though," he replies sitting down on his bed. "Word of advice, you should definitely finish reading it! It gets better towards the end." "I'll keep that in mind then," Dutch slightly chuckles.

Then walking over to me, Dutch hands me a note and says, "Here's the location of where we will be meeting up with Colm and his O'Driscoll's." I then realise mine and Dutch's faces are inches apart until he lightly places a kiss on my head making my blood rush onto my cheeks.

"You alright? You seem a little flustered.." Dutch mentions looking at my now rosy pink cheeks. "I uh," I stutter still slightly in shock, "I've never had that sort of interaction before.." "Well that's a surprise coming from a woman like you," he replies leading me out of his tent and over towards my horse.

Then once again, Dutch does something unexpected and lifts me up into my horses saddle. "Thank you," I say grabbing the reins from Dutch's hands. "No worries, I assume I will be seeing you around again?" "Of course, you have that.. reunion coming around soon."

Then kicking my spurs into the sides of my mare, we make our way out of Van Der Linde's camp. As we're just outside of their camp, I walk by the old house like structure that's been taken down and kick my horse again making her speed up. When we've finally reached my camp, I slide off the saddle and walk fairly quickly gathering my men and a few women that had come with me, around.

"What you want to talk about boss?" a man named Kale O'Leary calls out. "Mr Van Der Linde has finally found his trust in us and gave me a piece of paper telling us where we can find his and Colm's reunion event," I say to them as they all start to cheer. "I guess your plan is working out," James says whispering to me. "But it can still go sideways," I reply walking away and back to my tent.


"Miss Y/N! It's good to see you here," Dutch calls out me as I get out of my saddle. "Didn't want our only allies to become lifeless," I remark getting a small chuckle out of Dutch and myself. "Well, I can assure you we ain't dropping yet."

"I saw Colm and a few of his O'Driscoll's on the way up here so I don't think you need to worry too much.." I comment pointing to the valley that lays quite a few feet below us. "I'm sure we don't," Dutch says quietly. "Would you like to join me down there Miss Y/N?" he further more asks. "It would be my pleasure," I reply grabbing onto his hand which is held out in front of me.

"James, make sure those other dumbasses have a good eye on us and make sure they don't get us killed!" I gesture towards the members of my gang that I brought with me. "Righto boss," James replies in his thick Australian accent. As Dutch and I walk down into the valley with a few members of his gang named Micah and Arthur, we finally spot Colm so on instinct, our hands let go and mine hover above my revolvers.

"Dutch! Good to see you again. Ain't it been a while?" Colm exclaims as he tries to act sweetly. "Yes. Yes it has 'old friend'," Dutch replies nastily. "I killed your brother," Dutch then continues to state. "Yeah, well, didn't much like him."

"I liked Annabelle." Dutch scowls at the dirty bastard. "Well you seem to be movin' on pretty well. Did you really think that I ain't seen you and that new ally of yours? What do you call yourselves again? Ah, the Night Walkers," Colm continues slyly.

"Congratulations, you know what we call ourselves! I should've gotten you a prize," I applaud sarcastically. "No need, I've got my own. Boys!" Colm yells out as a few of his scum walk out with familiar faces. "Recognise anything? Or anyone? Miss Y/N." Colm asks almost angrily.

"You dirty son of a bitch!" I yell grabbing out both my revolvers and aiming them at Colm as I recognise who he holds in his arms. Dutch puts his hand on my lower arm telling me not to shoot. "You know Dutch, you really shouldn't be touching her. Shouldn't even be near the woman!" Colm comments still holding one of our younger men and holding a gun to his head. "I know what she was up to. She was gonna betray you, Dutch. After she turned us in, she was gonna turns yous in the little bitch."

I look at Colm in disgust, annoyance, and anything in between. But then my attention turns to Dutch's gaze on me looking betrayed. "Is... is this true?" He asks almost heartbroken. "Dutch I- I have no excuse," I admit as he takes a few steps back, away from me and I let my head fall down in shame.

"Y-you used me?" Dutch stutters making my heart shatter.

"Dutch it's not like that! I changed my mind. I was only going to turn Colm in! After meeting you.." I whisper my last sentence which doesn't change Dutch's expression at all. I look towards Colm and watch as a smirk grows on his face as Dutch distances himself from me.

"Fuck you. Fuck you Colm!" I yell angrily pointing my gun back at him ready to shoot. "Ah uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I still have your little-" But before he is able to finish, his brains are blown out all over Korey. I run over to the boy and make sure he's okay before Dutch, Micah and I begin to shoot the other O'Driscoll scum while he takes cover behind me. I don't give him much of a choice though either. Once we're finished with the job, we gather around in our gangs making sure we're all okay. I then turn to Dutch and reach an arm out to him only for the man to retaliate his arm. "Don't touch me. Don't come back to camp. Stay away from us. Rat."

My face falls apart as does my heart and I somehow manage to keep a Poker face before my gang and I find our horses and go back to our temporary camp to go pack up and head back down to Horseshoe.

Once we arrive back everyone greets each other and welcomes one another back while I immediately go into my tent and close all the flaps making sure no one can see me as tears begin rolling down my face. Realising it's still fairly late at night, I get myself into bed and hope for the best that I'll get a half decent night sleep.

I just found out that devoting myself to writing more than one story at once is way too difficult. That's my excuse as to why I'm not writing as much here as I also have other priorities. Also add in school and my play for the town/city for the next two days.

I combined this chapter and last chapter together because of how short they are.

Also, Rest In Piece Queen Elizabeth II, you will be missed.❤️

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