Dutch x Y/N - Cops And Robbers

521 6 2

- Swearing

Word Count - 2617


"I've got you now outlaw!" Dutch yells out to me. I giggle at him and yell back, "I don't think so!" and 'shoot' him. He then falls down on his back and so do I as I turn into a giggling mess. Dutch then sits back up and I ruffle the dirt out of his hair. "Hey!" he says to me annoyed that I'm playing with his hair again. Dutch then grabs my arms and pushes me down to the ground. He then begins to tickle me and I kick my feet up at him to try and make him stop. It doesn't work very well though as I'm still laughing at the pain where Dutch is tickling me.

A moment passes and he finally gets off of me and I begin to calm down. "What do you wanna be when you're older?" Dutch asks me. "I dunno. Either an outlaw or law woman," I respond. "You'd be a good outlaw." I giggle at Dutch's comment and he looks at me funny. "What are you laughing at?" "Nothing," I say still giggling. "What do you want to be?" Dutch thinks for a minute and replies, "Maybe an outlaw as well? I don't know what I want to be but I know where I want to be." "And where's that?" I ask. "In the tropics, like Tahiti. Or maybe Australia. As long as I'm with you and Annabelle." I frown when he says her name.

I love Dutch as a close friend, a brother almost. But whenever he mentions Annabelle I get jealous. I know Dutch has a soft spot towards her but she's such a bitch! I know I'm not supposed to say that or my pa would kill me, but she is! It was always Dutch and I until she came along from New York or some fancy American place. And of course she had to be as nice as she possible could be around Dutch but when it was just me and her she would threaten me and sometimes even hit me. I'd try and threaten her and tell my pa, who was the mayor of Blackwater, but she didn't care. And when I tried to tell my pa, he wouldn't listen because he was either drunk at the bar or too busy.

My thoughts leave when I'm suddenly interrupted by the bitch. "Hey Annabelle!" Dutch says to her sweetly. I roll my eyes and say to her as nicely as I can, "Hello Anna." "How many times do I have to tell you it's Annabelle! Not Anna. And if you're going to say my name like that at least say it nicely." Is she really trying to piss me off? "I go up to her and say, "I can say your name however the hell I like. My pa is the mayor remember? And you were popular in New York not here," I hiss at her looking at her gorgeous dress that looked horrible on her. She came from New York you expect her to have some sort of fashion sense. "At least I'm not wearing pants," she says glaring at me.

At this comment I'm trying my very best not to punch her square in the nose, but I can't help myself and so I tackle her to the ground. Dutch yells at me to get off of her but I ignore him and raise my arm and curl my hand into a fist. But before I'm able to do proper damage, someone grabs me by the arms and picks me up off of her. I look back to see my pa holding me and looking at me annoyed. "What do you think you're doing?" he yells a little at me. "She started it!" I yell back. "I don't care you don't hit another woman. I'll be taking you home and you'll be staying there for the rest of the day." I look at him shocked and stutter, "B-but." Pa looks at me angrily and I sigh in defeat as he takes me back home. As he walks off with me in his arms, I turn around and see Dutch and Annabelle walking off together as she smirks and pokes her tongue out. I glare at her wishing that she would die.


I'm dragged across the forest part of the open plains until we reach a camp. I look around for where I might be only to find myself clueless. The last thing I remember was that I was shooting at outlaws until they shot me in the arm and knocked me out.

One of the outlaws that had captured me, Arthur Morgan, picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. I wiggle and squirm but I'm unsuccessful and unable to achieve anything out of it other than being whacked in the face. "Hey! Didn't your parents ever tell you to never hit a girl?" I say to him annoyed that he hit me. "My parents died when I was young, so no," he responds. Well that got depressing really quick.

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