Arthur x Y/N - Beautiful Mistakes Pt3

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This will be the last chapter of this long oneshot.

Word count - 1755


A few months had passed and I had finally got my baby bump. Everyone around camp, including Micah, would occasionally help me out but when Micah tried to help the others would say that I was getting 'moody'. I knew that I wasn't and that I just genuinely hated Micah but I went along with it. But out of everyone, Abigail, John and Arthur helped me the most. Whenever I needed anything Abigail was there helping considering she'd been through the same thing I'm currently going through. John kept reassuring me and especially Arthur, that we were going to be great parents. And then Arthur, well, he was being Arthur. He was by my side at all times even if Dutch wanted him to go do a robbery or something, he would firmly say no and had to find someone else to fill in for him. 

But today was the day. I had been feeling weirder than normal and multiple times I had felt the baby kick me. And that's a lot more than usual. So naturally I thought that in a few weeks time, I would have to deliver mine and Arthur's child. But boy was I wrong.

I walk over to mine and Arthur's tent and sit down in the cot. Arthur is obviously helping me sit down and then sits down himself. I look up at Arthur with my chin resting on his shoulder. "I love you," I say out of no where. Arthur then looks down at me and straight into my eyes. "Why do you say that?" He asks. "Am I not allowed to tell my husband that I love him?" "Husband huh? Maybe someday but not quite at the moment. And yes you are allowed to tell me that you love me. It's just that you said it out of no where." "Well maybe I first loved you out of no where," I say giggling at my comment. Arthur then gently elbows me and says cutely, "Shut up."

I close my eyes for a bit until John comes over. "How you two love birds doin'?" John asks. "A'ight. How 'bout you?" I say putting on a stupid Western accent which gets a laugh out of both men. And that's when I feel it. My water break.

"Arthur.." I whisper trailing off while in pain. "I think... I think he baby's coming."

Arthur looks at me without an expression I can't explain. "John go get Abigail and Miss Grimshaw," Arthur says to him strictly. He then gets off of the cot and gently lays me down. He then crouch's beside me as I hold his hand tightly. I hear Abigail, Miss Grimshaw and John rush over. Abigail and Susan come over to me to help with the baby while John waits with Jack making sure he can't see what's going on. Soon enough the whole camp knows what's going on and waits outside of the tent.


A few hours later

"You're doing great Y/N! Just one more push!" Says Mary-Beth encouraging me while Miss Grimshaw stands at the end of the bed, arms between my legs and Abigail making sure Grimshaw and I have what we need. I keep pushing while holding on to Arthur's hand probably about to break it if it wasn't already. All of a sudden, I stop pushing and feel the pain being released and I can hear a baby cry. I look up to see Abigail wrapping the baby in a blanket. She then hands the baby to me. "Well done Y/N. You and Arthur now have a beautiful baby girl," I hear Abigail say. I look at Abigail, Mary-Beth and Miss Grimshaw, quietly saying thank you.

I then look down at my newly birthed baby girl. Her skin is as white as the moon and her eyes the colour of the lake, just like her father's. Her lips soft and a beautiful light shade of pink. She was perfect. I look back up at Arthur while he still looks down in awe at our baby girl. Dutch then comes into the tent and Arthur and I both look at him. "She's gorgeous. Looks just like her parents," says Dutch looking at Arthur and I like a proud parent. He then walks over to Arthur and whispers in his ear, "You did good, son." Dutch then looks at me knowing that I heard what he had said to Arthur. "You too
Y/N," he adds, then walks out of our tent.

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