Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee Pt1

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-Past trauma
-This imagine won't be crossed with anyone
-There will be another part so if you don't enjoy reading about these sorts of thing or any other reason, your welcome to skip the next two chapters

Word Count - 1829


The morning light shined onto Shady Belle turning night into early morning. Everyone stirred as the light shone into their eyes and began to wake them from their sleep. The bright light of the sun doesn't effect me as I had waken an hour ago. I've always been the last to fall asleep and the first to wake. I could never get any sleep as my past trauma kept me up at night and when I did sleep, it was because my eyelids didn't want to be open any longer or I dreamt of having a half decent life and for the other gang members to actually notice me.

I have always been an outcast and when I was found by Dutch around a year or two ago, he lead me into a life of outlaws and gunslingers. And to be honest, it was great! It's just that no one has ever really noticed me and whenever I do go to say hello, they often turn to me and ask, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Then I'd have to remind them that I am also one of them.

This morning though was different as I'm usually ignored which I don't mind because I'm usually reading a book or writing or drawing in my journal. Anyways, this morning, Dutch's right hand man, Arthur Morgan, had actually noticed me. "Mornin' Y/N," he said in a somewhat cheery tone. "Good morning Mr Morgan," I replied trying not to act surprised which was quite easy as I'm used to holding in my emotions. Arthur let's out a small chuckle then turns to face me. "Please, it's Arthur," he says politely smiling slightly. I nod my head then get back to drawing the horses outside of the main camp area.

Later that day, I decided to go look at what creatures lye in the swamp. But before I'm able to actually make my way over to the swamp, I hear Dutch yell out, "Arthur, John, Sadie and Y/N, you're riding with me." I look at him in shock as he said my name. That's the first time in a while that anyone has yell out my name to ride with them, let alone say my name, other than Arthur this morning. I quickly walk over to my horse with John and Sadie as their horses are hitched near where mine is, while Dutch and Arthur's are over to the left.

I pull down the stirrups from the saddle and adjust them. I then grab the reins from the hitching post, pull them over my horse's ears and jump on still holding onto the reins and also grabbing a bit of her main. I then trot with Sadie and John over to Dutch and Arthur. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously. "Colm was hung a few days ago and Sadie, Arthur, and myself were able to watch. But he still has O'Driscoll's out there and I have some what idea of where they are thanks to Kieran." He says sadly when mentioning Kieran.

Before the hanging of Colm, Kieran rode into camp on his horse, with his head literally in his hands. Many O'Driscoll's also found their way into camp but we fought them off easily enough but we knew that straight away we had to sort those sons of bitches out. So we're now heading out to the last O'Driscoll camp to kill the last of em'. I still feel bad for Kieran though, he didn't deserve to be decapitated by Colm. But what's done is done and we can't go back and fix it.

Sadly enough, Kieran wasn't the first and I doubt he'll be the last. Before him, there was Sean, Mac, Jenny, Davey. It'd been a few years since Bessie and Annabelle had died and I never really knew them so I don't feel as bad.

We trot on further passing Saint Denis then John asks, "So how far is it?" "Up past Fort Wallace," Arthur replies plainly for Dutch. "So still a days trip ahead of us," John then states. I roll my eyes and say to myself, "Nah shit."


Hours past and it's finally starting to get darkish so Dutch leads us over to a lake that we had recently passed. We find an open area past the forest of trees and next to the lake. I hop out of my saddle, as does everyone else, and start setting up mine and Sadie's tent. Once that's done, I watch as Arthur begins building a small fire pit while Dutch and John help bringing in dried wood from the forest. I then decide to get changed out of my dress and into black jeans and yellow shirt with white dots.

Walking around the lake I find a small cave like area in the rocks and decide that it gives me as much privacy that I need or that I'm going to find. A moment passes and I walk out of the cave holding my dress in one hand and I take out the pins in my hair with the other. Once I get back to the temporary camp, I put my dress in the small bag that I carry around my essentials in and find a band to put my hair in. I put my long hair into a messy bun low enough that my hat sits on my head properly then grab out my journal and begin drawing the lake and our small camp.

"Hey Y/N, wanna come huntin' with me and Sadie?" I look up from my journal to find John asking me. "Sure, just give me a minute," I reply putting my journal back into my satchel and grabbing my bow from my mare with a gorgeous brown and white coat with a grey-white mane and tail. I then head back over to John and Sadie as we begin walking into the forest looking for our prey. Surely enough, I find a deer nibbling on the leaves of a small tree. I come to stop, grabbing my bow from my back and aim at the deer's head then shoot. The deer drops it's lifeless body onto the ground and I run over to pick it up before any other animal like a coyote comes to eat it. Once putting the bow back over my shoulder, I grab the deer and lift it up, putting it over my other shoulder then walking back to find John and Sadie with rabbits in their hands. John then looks at me as he sees that I was able to find a deer and the only thing he and Sadie caught were rabbits. I can't help but laugh at the stupid face John makes and Sadie also starts laughing. John then looks at us like annoying children and starts walking back to camp. Sadie and I end up catching up to him once we're back at the camp. We place our dinner near the fire and go back to doing our own things.


"So, how long have you been riding with the boys?" Sadie asks me while I eat the rabbit that she caught not hungry to eat the deer. "A year or two by now," I reply getting shocked faces from everyone but Dutch. "A year or two? I thought it would've only been a few months!" John says as I chuckle at his statement. "Well you guys haven't really ever noticed me because you're always either doing your own little things or not at camp," I reply sighing that their faces changed when I said to them that they've never really noticed me. "Well, we're sorry. We promise to start making it up to you," Arthur says making me smile at his words.

"I never asked, but what were you doing before Hosea and I found you?" Dutch asks becoming fully curious of what I would say next. I sigh then reply, "I was living with my family outside of Saint Denis." "So you were a city girl?" John assumes. "Not exactly. My parents and I lived in a small house near Angelo Bronte's mansion. We knew him well as my parents had worked at his house most days and some nights depending on if there was an event being hosted there or not."

"Well that explains why you seemed to know him sort of well. But why did you leave that life behind?" Arthur asks me as Dutch is still peacefully listening to my story. "Because whenever my parents weren't at work they were at home drunk either abusing me, making me cook, clean up after them, and any other chore they could find. I never minded the chores and I got used to them abusing me but when they were going to sell me to Angelo Bronte for thousands of dollars as long as I married him, I had enough and left. But I wouldn't have if they were my birth parents," I explain holding my tears in. "What happened to your biological parents?" Sadie asks me gently putting her hand around mine.

"When I was around Jack's age, maybe younger, the O'Driscoll's kidnapped my parents, siblings and I because apparently we building on their turf. They tortured us for weeks and killed our parents. My sister ended finding a gun and shooting herself as she had enough of the pain and suffering. There was only one bullet though so my brother's hanged themselves or walked into the fire and burned themselves to death leaving me to survive on my own. Being the youngest I didn't really know what was going on and all I could think about was how hungry and thirsty I was. Then a bunch of lawmen and bounty hunters came in and shot the place to hell. Luckily they found me and put me in an adoption home in Saint Denis," I explain while everyone else looked at me sorrowful.

"How did you deal with all the pain and suffering?" I hear one of them say. I don't know because my thoughts were all over the place at the moment and I wasn't really paying attention. "The pain never really bothered me and I had learnt to keep my emotions in while living with my adoptive parents," I replied then headed off to bed trying to get some sleep so that I have energy to kill the last of the O'Driscoll's.

I will be making a part two unlike my last oneshot because otherwise it will be way too long. Anyways hope your enjoying and comment your thoughts and whether I should do more imagines without having a romantic relationship with anyone.

RDR2 x Reader Imagines/OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora