Arthur x Y/N - O'Driscoll Woman? Pt1

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-And possible gore
If you are uncomfortable with any of these you can skip this and the next chapters.

Word count - 2198


Gunshots can be heard from behind me as I run from a few of the O'Driscoll boys. I run into the trees looking for cover until I find a boulder to hide behind. I shoot the three of them from behind the boulder then slowly get up. And to my luck another one of the bastards comes from the trees and shoots my ankle. I limp as fast as I can through the trees once more, shooting at the O'Driscoll every now and then. Ahead of me I then spot a camp but don't take notice of it or any of the people in it and keep running towards it. I then spot a wagon and take cover behind it. But before I'm able to shoot him someone from behind me does. As I turn around to see who it was, I feel someone bump me on the head with the butt of their gun which makes me unconscious.


"When she gonna wake up?" asks one of the men.

"Dunno. Try and wake her up," says another man. As he says this, I think of all the things that they could do to me. So I open my eyes quickly being blinded by the sun and I feel a headache form in the back of my head. I don't give two shits about the headache though and try to swing my legs at the men that I can hardly see because of the sun blinding me. I eventually stop as the rope that's hanging me onto the tree begins to cut into my skin. "Woo there lassi. We ain't goin' to hurt ya," says a man with an Irish accent.

"Then how else were you going to wake me up?" I ask as my throat begs for water. Before any of them can answer my question, the gang leader walks up to me. As everything starts to un-blur, I can see who this gang is. The Van Der Linde Gang. "How did you find us and who was shootin' at you?" Dutch asks me. I sigh and respond with a lie.

"Them O'Driscoll's have my sister. So I walked in there staying out of sight until one of the sons of bitches jumped me from out of the trees. Than the rest of them spotted me so I ran from there. 3 of them chased me down but I shot em'. Then one came out of nowhere and shot me ankle. So I limped as fast as I can away from him then came across your camp. Then one of ya shot the bastard before he could end me and for that I am grateful."

Dutch looks at me as if he's deciding to believe me or not. A moment passes and he finally takes out a knife. Preparing for the worst, I lift my head up to then realise that he is cutting the rope. Once the rope is cut, I fall landing on my shot ankle wincing at the pain and falling on my ass. A man with a rough n' tough look on his face walks over to me and helps me up. I mouth thank you but he doesn't reply just nods his head. I then realise the face was the infamous Arthur Morgan and began to realise why he was acting the way he was.

"Arthur could you please show this lady around? She'll probably be staying with us for a while," Dutch tells Arthur as he grumbles an ok obviously not comfortable being around me as he doesn't really know who I am or trusts me.

After Arthur has finished showing me around he then finally talks to me. "Now, if you end up staying here permanently, you're gonna have to do your part. There are always chores that are needed to be done and the others may sometimes ask for an item or help with something. If they ask for an item, tell me about it and I will retrieve it for you. And you seem to know how to handle a gun pretty well so you'll easily be able to handle a house robbing or something along those lines."

I nod my head in response as he starts leading me over to the cliff part. "I'll set your tent up over here somewhere," Arthur tells me. "You do know that I can easily set up a tent on my own," I say looking at him in shock at his offer. "Not with that wound you ain't." I roll my eyes and walk over to a woman named Abigail I had just met. She seems like a lovely woman.

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