Arthur x Y/N - Beautiful Mistakes Pt1

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-Gore (ish)
If you don't like any of these, skip past the next 2-3 chapters

Word Count- 1115


My eyes flutter open as the sunlight shines onto my face. I slowly get up and out of bed but don't get very far until I fall back onto my bed. I feel a sharp pain in my chest so I lift up my shirt to see what's there. My stomach has a bandage wrapped around it where a bullet had once been. I pull down my shirt and look up to see Arthur in front of me. "Y'know," he starts then leans in closer and whispers in my ear, "I would love to see you properly without that shirt." He then winks at me and helps me get up. I feel the blood rush up to my cheeks and say to to him, "Thank you for helping me up but that doesn't mean you can see me cloth-less."Arthur pouts and walks me over to the fire.

"Y/N! You're awake. How are you feeling?" Asks Hosea.

"Better than I was before. How did I get shot anyways?"I ask. "When we robbed the bank back in Valentine, the law knew we were there straight away so we had to get out of there quick. So you, Bill, Lenny, Karen and I jumped onto our horses but I got shot at. So you being you, pushed me out of the way and took the bullet for me," Arthur explains.

I look over at Arthur and give him a peck on the lips. "And I'd do it again," I reply. Suddenly, I feel someone nudge into my back. I turn around to see Micah sneering at me. "Your lucky I'm hurt right now otherwise you'd be 6ft under. Again," I say to him nastily. Micah rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing.

"Grimshaw said that it'll take a bit to heal and that rest will do it some good," comments Dutch. "After that, I'll get you back out there. I'll have something for you to do." Dutch and Hosea then walk off leaving me and Arthur. "So, have you considered what I said earlier?" Asks Arthur. "Yes and the answers still no. Can't be doing stuff like that right now," I reply making Arthur pout again.

"Well then, Dutch said he needed me to do something in Rhodes so I should probably go check it out," Arthur says while holding my waist. "Ok I guess I'll see you later then," I say to him sadly. Arthur gives me a small kiss on my lips then walks over to his Smokey grey, and black striped pure-bread. I head back over to mine and Arthur's tent and grab a book that I had been reading before the bank robbery in Valentine.


A few weeks later


The wound on my stomach has just about fully healed and Dutch says I can go back to shootin' people again soon. I watch as Arthur, John and Javier walk in on their horses. Arthur walks over to me and I see that he's annoyed at whatever has happened. "Wanna go away for a while?" I ask him. He faces lightens up a bit and he nods in agreement. We walk back over to our tent grabbing the things we'll need for our time out. Once we've finished packing, Arthur and I hop into the saddles of our horses and head off to Saint Denis.

Throughout our ride there, Arthur flirts with me a bit. But other than that, most of the time we talk about what our next jobs will probably be and which family will figure out that we're using them. The Gray's or the Braithwaite's. Once we finally arrive in Saint Denis, we find a hotel and ask the man for a room. We walk up the stairs finding our room and settling in. "It's good to finally get away from all that chaos," I hear Arthur say behind me laying in bed.

"I knew you'd enjoy it. I'm going to go take a bath," I reply. Arthur nods his head as I walk out the door to go pay for my bath. After I've paid, I head up the stairs again and enter the room. Once the bath is full of warm water and bubbles, I take off my clothes and hop into the bath. It had been ages since I had taken one or cleansed myself for that matter, so it felt good to be in the warm, bubbly water.

Once I'd finished my bath, I grab a towel and walk back into mine and Arthur's room carrying my clothes in my arms. As I walk in, I feel Arthur's eyes all over me. He then walks up to me, making me drop my clothes and holds me in his arms nestling his head on my shoulder. "Fine," I say which makes Arthur very happy. He walks over to the door and locks it. Arthur then walks back over to me and starts kissing me passionately, but this time it felt different. Sure Arthur and I had kissed, hell made out. But I could feel his burn of lust in this kiss.

Arthur then walks me back over to the bed and pushes me gently so that I would crawl into the bed. He then crawls on top of me once I'm on the bed. Arthur then grabs the only thing keeping him from seeing my naked body. He throws the towel and looks at all of me. "Like what you see?" I ask. Arthur replies when he start kissing my breasts and down all the way to my waist. I moan in delight but then realise that Arthur is still fully clothed. I start undoing the buttons on his shirt then grab his hat and fling it onto the dresser. Arthur takes the rest of his shirt off, his holster and boots.

Arthur looks back at me and starts to kiss me passionately again. I feel his lust in the kiss once more.


This is my first Arthur x Y/N oneshot and also my first time writing a before-hand smut scene. So if you did like it or you have an idea of how I could do better, please leave a comment! I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter and if you can, please comment your thoughts, it really does mean a lot.
That's it from me! Hope you enjoy your day/night!😉

P.S. This has been edited and no longer has NSFW or completely anyway. It took away about 600 of my words also.😭

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