John x Y/N - Wolves Pt2

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-Continuing on from last chapter
-Abigail is going to be in love with Javier and Jack will actually be Javier's son but everyone will still think he's John's.

Word Count -

It had been maybe two weeks since John and his friends, Arthur and Javier, had 'rescued' him from me and my pack. And to be honest, that was the first interaction with another human I've had in a long while and I wasn't going to let him get away. So that morning, I packed up the small amount of things that I owned and left the wolves at the camp knowing that they wouldn't follow me.

I eventually got my way off the mountain and into the woods that weren't covered in snow easily enough. It took a while but I eventually found fresh wagon tracks that lead into a forest near a town called Valentine so I followed them. Fortunately, I ended up on the right path because I had found John but he had more then just two friends. He looked to be apart of a gang, so when I tried to walk on in, they didn't take too kindly and dragged me into the camp by my collar that barely covered my upper breasts considering that the shirt was huge and I was no longer wearing a jacket because for the first time on forever, it was actually warm weather.

Once one of the men finished dragging me into camp, John must've spotted me as he runs towards me in shock. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here and how the hell did you find us?" John asks me helping me up off the ground that I'd been dragged across.

"I was getting lonely and you're the first person that I've interacted with since my parents died. Plus I followed the trail of wagon wheels that lead into a forest, but don't worry, I covered them up once I'd been past them," I explain to John. And before he is able to say anything, another man who appears to be the gang leader, walks side by side with Arthur over to me.

"Who do we have here?" the gang leader asks. "I'm a friend of John's," I say to the man with jet black hair and a somewhat, fancy looking suit. "I've also been acquainted with Arthur and Javier," I continue.

"Is that right?" The man says looking around towards all three of the men's name I had called out. "Well then, what is your name Miss? And do you have anywhere to stay?" he asks me oddly enough. "My name is Y/N sir, and I don't have any place to stay other than up in the Grizzlies."

"Well we all know why it's like to freeze our asses off in that snow!" He cries out to the gang as they all chuckle at his joke. "Miss.. Y/N, was it?" The man then says crouching a little down to my height. "Yes sir," I respond simply. "Well then Miss Y/N, I guess you'll be staying with us for a while!" The man yells out once again and a small cheer is heard from some of the men. "Also, my name is Dutch Van Der Linde so no need to call me sir," he quietly explains to me as everyone else walks off to go back to what they were doing originally.

"Welcome to the gang then Y/N," John says as he wraps an arm around my neck. We walk over towards a small tent that is able to fit two people. "You want to take my bed or sleep in the floor? Or I could get you another bed?" John asks me showing me his bed. "I'll take the floor," I reply taking my head out of the tent.

John then shows me around the camp and I am also able to meet everyone. I also find out that John has a wife named Abigail and a son named Jack but I can tell that the boy look like Javier and Abigail also seems to be in love with him. Mr Pearson, the camp cook, the yells out that dinner is ready so we all gather around with bowls to the pot of stew. And I will admit, he's cooking is pretty good. After dinner, I walk over to John's tent laying out a small sleeping bag that the gang had given me as it was a spare. I then get comfortable and snuggle it and fade off to sleep.


Later that night, I wake up from a nightmare which is surprising as I haven't had one in months. I sit up scared and a few tears rolling down my cheek. John must've noticed or heard me as he wakes up and pulls me off the ground and into his bed. He is able to lift me up as I have a small figure and I don't weigh that much either.

"What's wrong?" John asks me as I snuggle into his chest. "Nightmare," I say softly as tears still roll down my cheeks. John then brings me closer to him and puts his head up against mine. "You'll be okay," he says comfortingly. Then as I start drifting off to sleep once more, I instantly wake up as a question pops into my head. Actually two questions but who's counting?

"Hey John, did you know that Abigail like Javier?" I ask John as he sighs in annoyance and sadness. "Yeah.. Most of the gang knows or should know by now," he replies. "How are your scars?" I ask again changing the topic. "Well they're better than they were before," he says slightly chuckling. I don't know what it was about the chuckle, but it made me blush. Actually, I don't know how but he made me care for him. I've never felt this feeling before until I first saw his eyes open, and there was just something about him that I love.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, I feel Johns thumb caress my lips and I look up to see him also staring into my eyes. "Y/N I-" John begins to say but I cut him off with a small peck on his lips. I then earn a confused look on his face which instantly makes me worried at my stupid decision. "John I'm so sorry, I thought that-" this time it's John's turn to cut me off with a kiss but this time it was much longer and I was able to feel heart filled passion and genuine love in it. I snake my arms around his neck as he tightens his grip on my waist pulling me even closer to him if that were even possible.

After a few moment though, we both pull away to catch our breath. "Y/N, I think.. I think I love you," he says as I look into his eyes seeing them filled with genuine love for me. "I've never felt this way before but when I encountered a human in the first time in forever, I felt love when he opened his eyes," I explain to John gesturing to him.

John chuckles at my cheesy explanation then he plants his head over the top of mine. "You're mine," is all he says as he closes his eyes. And in all honesty, I'm glad I was his and only his. I too close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming about what my future would be like now that I have John in it..


Don't come at me because I know how cheesy this one is! But honestly, it is sort of cute though.. Also I'm sorry about Jack but I had to change something up and I could never kill off Jack, he's just so, well you guys know! Anyway hope you guys enjoyed and please consider voting and commenting your thoughts and ideas!

RDR2 x Reader Imagines/OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon