Van Der Linde Gang Reunite?

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-This is not going to be crossed with anyone as Y/N is Arthur's sister
- This story begins when John Marston and his family are living at Beechers Hope, near Blackwater, with Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler, Charles Smith, and a few others.

Word Count - 4330

"Pa!" Yells Jack running inside the house with Rufus.

"How many times I've got to tell you that the dog stays outside?" Says John

"But pa! There are strangers outside and I don't want him to get hurt!" Replies the little boy.

"Strangers? Suppose we should go take a look then John." Arthur comments.


Everyone gets up and walks outside and to their surprise it's the old members of the Van Der Linde Gang, including Dutch.

"Hello there boys! And Mrs Adler!" Says Dutch. "It's been a while since we've seen one another, hasn't it?"

Everyone glares at Dutch and the other Van Der Linde Gang members as Dutch starts walking around.

"Nice place you got here John" Says Dutch walking around admiring the barn and house.
"A rancher?" Dutch starts laughing to himself.
"Who would've thought?"

"What are you doing here Dutch?" Arthur asks annoyed.

"And on my property" John includes.

"Straight to the point I see? Well, I have come to make a proposal my old friends." Dutch replies as he walks back to the other gang members.

Dutch then grabs a young adult female tied up, and walks them up in between both halves of the gang.

"My proposal is that you give us the money from Blackwater, or we shoot the girl."

"And why would we want to trade the money for a stranger?" Asks Sadie.

"We'll Mrs Adler, maybe you should ask Arthur about that." Dutch replies.

Arthur looks at the young adult female until he realises who it may be.

"Take the bag off their head." Arthur demands.

Micah takes the bag off the strangers head and only then Arthur is certain of who the stranger is.

"Familiar face, Arthur?" Asks Dutch.

"How the hell did you find her." Arthur asks angrily.

"Stumbled upon our camp. And when Bill brought her in, I recognised the face and realised that they were the perfect way to get you to give us the money." Dutch explains. "Speaking of giving us the money, I'll give you five seconds to tell us where the money is or the girl dies."

"And you really think we're going to give the money up for some woman you remember? Jesus Dutch, you're plans have definitely gotten worse." John comments.

"Like I said, your choice."


"Wait!" Yells Arthur.

Dutch smirks as Arthur hesitates to walk up to the girl.

"Arthur, what the hell are you doing?" Asks John.

Arthur doesn't reply and instead walks closer to the girl. Then Arthur asks, "What is your name?"

The girl looks up at Arthur and replies, "Y/N. Y/N Morgan."

Everyone looks up at Arthur and Y/N in shock.

"Arthur is she your.." Charles starts.

"My sister? Yes, yes she is."

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