Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee - Epilogue

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-Continuing on from the last chapter of, 'Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Bee'
-May be sad to some people
-None of the places or thing that are mentioned are real except Sadie's, Mary-Beth's and Tilly's item requests. Or they're at least close or nearby. (You'd be better looking it up on google though)

Word Count - 2074

Arthur's POV

Well, I was right about Y/N not dying that day. But a few weeks later, Mary-Beth went to check up on the woman only to find her lifeless body in her cot with stitches and bandages around her chest and stomach wounds. When Mary-Beth had told us, half of us were devastated. The other half, well, Y/N was right. They barely knew her or didn't know her at all. And the truth is, now that she's dead, I wish I had spent more time with her. I wish that she left this Earth knowing that she was apart of our family feeling loved and belonged. But she didn't.

Currently I'm writing in my journal about what's going on as I can't really talk to anyone else about it. I remember that Y/N's last words were to me explaining about how she apparently got us gifts and in her journal are the locations of the gifts. I'm very tempted to look through but if I do, I don't think it will feel right. None of us knew her that well and it wouldn't be right to look through her journal like that. (And you might also loose honour lol)

I stop writing and quickly close my journal so whoever is walking towards me can't take a peek. Both surprisingly and not surprisingly, Dutch walks around me and also takes a seat on the log I'm seated on facing the sunset. "Y'know, Y/N really liked the camp back near Valentine," Dutch says out of the blue. "You sayin' we should bury her there?" I ask. "I ain't sayin' nothin'. I'm only suggesting as we barely
knew the woman," Dutch begins to say softly as he nears the last of his words.

"I just wish we could've done more for her," I say sighing at the thought of her and Sadie coming on missions with us and shooting up wherever it is we was. "Well like you said son, we can only wish." And with that, Dutch gets up and walks away to go talk with Hosea about another boat robbery. I think he's crazy as to what happened last time we robbed a boat, but if it works and we're able to get out of here, I'll go along.

Walking back into camp, I look back towards where Y/N's tent is and remember the day when I was carrying hay over to the horses and I decided to greet her for some reason. I don't know why I did what I did but I'm sort of glad I did. That was the first time I had seen her somewhat smile and it was also the last.

Sighing and mentally beating myself, I walk into Y/N's tent finding her journal on the small table. Once I have it in my grasp, I walk over to my tent and sit on my bed pulling the journal out in front of me and reading it.

"I know that no one here knows me and I don't won't it to make me sound like a creep, but I do know everyone here and what they enjoy doing and what a few items that they want are.

Jack - A book in a small abandoned house near where my birth parents and brothers and sister used to live to the North of Valentine.

Sadie - A harmonica which I found in a small home as well as Mary-Beth's fountain pen and Tilly's pearl necklace. I hid all of these items in the thick oak tree in the middle of camp near Rhodes.

Abigail - Gorgeous different sheets of fabric that are both soft and have beautiful patterns on them which an old friend of mine, who is now a doctor, has ahold of in Valentine.

John - Someone I knew who owes me a favour in Blackwater has enough wood for John to build a house and a barn for himself, Abigail and Jack to live in.

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