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                          Word got out that a person with magic emerged from nowhere and everyone took interest in it.

Jungwon bit his nails as he nervously watched how people discussed how they were going to steal the stranger's powers or use her for their benefit. She was not aware of the threats against her because of how busy she has been with helping Ren with his mother. Jungwon came to realize something, Ren was very dependent on the stranger's powers.

Or rather he was using her abilities to his advantage.

He could tell what he felt for the stranger was genuine but it was obvious that part of his love for the girl was toward her powers and not her as a whole. And quite frankly, Jungwon found that aggravating as the stranger was more than her powers.

As the stranger left, she noticed a bunch of people giving her weird stares. It took her only a second to figure out that they had something in mind, she had a huge target on her head and she felt the moment where they will act against her getting nearer and nearer. He wanted to warn her that they planned to corner her but he convinced himself that she could handle herself.

Jihee, be careful.

"Come out wherever you all are hiding. I can feel all your eyes piercing me." The stranger said, shoving her hands into her pockets.

After that, a bunch of armed men surrounded her, red lasers pointed all over her body. She lets out a breath, putting her head down as she chuckled quietly. They thought of her as a fool, they think by simply restraining her they would be able to steal her powers. A strong wind started to blow, similar to how winds moved during a storm.

Two people went forward and grabbed both her hands, holding them behind her back fully thinking that it would stop the strong winds but instead, the sky only grew darker. She didn't resist but they still felt like she was bigger than them. One of the people holding her wrist kicked her in the leg, forcing her to kneel. Her head remained down, still laughing quietly as she grew even more provoked by every second that passes.

"The president wants to speak with you so you better cooperate before we shoot." The person who seemed like the leader commanded her. "Respond, monster."

Her quiet laughter suddenly rose in volume and everyone surrounding her watched how she laughed at them. "Do you think I'm a fool? You want my powers too, don't you?" She spoke without raising her head to look at them. "You think by doing this you'd be able to equally distribute my powers?"

She heard the sound of a gun cocking. "You're going to cooperate or else I'll pull the trigger."

"Shoot then. Prove to me that you're bigger than I am, that you're enough to stand against me." She threatened them, even pressing her forehead to the muzzle of the gun.

The person holding the gun was offended and without a doubt, he pulled the trigger and waited for the sound of the gun firing. Yet all he heard was the sound of crickets and thunder, followed by the provoking laugh of the girl. He cocked the gun and pulled the trigger again but nothing came out despite seeing that it was loaded.

Jungwon was holding his breath the whole time and he almost fell to his knees in relief when it didn't fire.

"Just because you can legally have a gun doesn't give you the right to use it when you feel small." The stranger says.

The two people holding her wrists suddenly lost consciousness, freeing her from their hold. Just as when she was about to leave, they all pointed their guns at her head and said some words that would anger the stranger even more.

stranger ‣ y.jwWhere stories live. Discover now