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It was a memorable win for their school, especially if you held a very personal grudge with the opponent.

That was the case for Jungwon and Jihee.

She couldn't forget the slight smirk Jungwon wore as their team received a trophy. Not that he was arrogant about winning, he just like putting undeserving people in their places. And one of those people was banner boy whose nasty expression brought joy to Jihee's heart.

She could still vividly recall when he tried elbowing Jungwon at the fourth quarter, luckily he managed to avoid it by a hair. She was about to approach him and give him his congratulations but their coach had already pulled them to the locker room. She remained seated as everyone stood up, including Sunoo who had things to do.

Byeol vanished as well but she really couldn't care less what that girl was up to, they weren't really the closest of friends to have the rights to snoop in each other's business. Plus she could only guess that Byeol was contemplating whether she should congratulate Sunghoon or not, because it was very clear she still had a thing for him. Jihee of all people knew what the two has been through, she wouldn't dare question why the latter was having a hard time moving on.

"They are fated for each other." Jihee murmurs which was meant to be said in a sweet tone but rather a hint of envy appeared. Fated for each other.

She knew very well who Jungwon was fated to be with, and although she messed up his fate the
chances of them meeting, still remain large. She never wanted to be a human, she always thought it would take her a couple more hundred years for her to find the right reality to settle at, but she never would've thought it would take only a hundred to meet the person that would make her want to stay.

It was rather premature for her to make a decision whether she should stay or not, but the more time she spent acting like a teenager, the more she wanted to stay.

Even if she loved the thrill of an adventure, she also loved the moments she spends with him.

She was addicted to something she wasn't even sure she could have.

Standing up, she decided to look for Jungwon because really, when has she ever been patient? Opening the door to the locker room, she was very surprised to see the most annoying bug in her life, some may call her Inseong but Jihee preferred to call her an annoyance.

"What are you doing here? Sunghoon's probably already out with his team." Jihee's eyes narrowed, not really looking forward to carrying a conversation with Inseong.

"Of course I know he's out." Inseong rolled her eyes, and Jihee had to clasp her hands so she wouldn't do something she'll regret later on. "I was waiting for you."

She tilts her head sideways. "Oh? You're really a surprise today, aren't you Inseong? But sadly, I don't have the time for you."

"You're looking for Jungwon, right?" Inseong asked, which resulted to Jihee tensing for a second. "For someone new, you sure have a way with men."


"I have my own ways too."

"I bet you do." Jihee rolled her eyes, growing more and more impatient as the conversation continues. "Again, I have no time for you. Go do your thing."

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