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Jungwon was starting to get used to his dreams.

They repeated for multiple nights then in a few days, he's dreaming of another memory. And fate would only show herself but refuse to talk to him. The order of the memories he was seeing was all messed up, there was no chronological order. On the first dream, everything in the reality was almost destroyed, and on the fourth it was as if there has never been an apocalypse.

"What are you even trying to show me, fate?" He asked the sky but he didn't get any reply just as he expected.

He was tailing behind Jihee as she wandered around, looking at people's fates, looking for something interesting to do. He wasn't walking on his own, it was as if there was a force making his legs move and he was very sure it wasn't him. The reality was clearly another version of dystopia, there were danger in every dark corners, the sky was almost cloudy, showing how polluted it is and poverty clearly was experienced by most of the population.

Jungwon could already tell what Jihee meant when she said his reality was too simple and peaceful, this was a reality he never wished to live at.

Then a scream echoed in his ears, he glanced to where the voice was and although he wanted to see what it was, he couldn't go there on his own. Fortunately, Jihee began to move to that direction and his legs that was accordingly moving on its own, followed her.

They reached a dark alley where right at the ground he sees the familiar man from his earlier dreams, a stab wound in his chest and he swore it pierced right through his heart but Jihee seemed to have a knowledge of the human anatomy either that or she just has xray vision.

"It almost pierced your heart luckily it missed, I can still heal you." Jihee kneeled to the guy's eye level to help her. "Your world is horrible." She mutters, placing her hand on his chest a bright light appearing from her palms.

"W-What are you doing?!" He tried to squirm but he was in too much pain. She looked at him as if she was scaring him not to move. "A-Are you some kind of angel?"

She snorts. "Can you please just stay still? You're not the first person I healed today." She tells him and after a minute or so, she managed to close his wound. "Now for your memori- h-hey!"

He grabbed her wrist before she could even touch his forehead. "Who are you?"

"A stranger." She answered. He raised his eyebrow, unable to understand her answer. "Let go of my wrist before I open that wound of yours again."

He slowly lets go of her wrist, growing intimidated by her. "I'm Ren."

Her lips curved upward in amusement. "I have no name to tell you."

Jungwon only stood by the side, witnessing how the two met after being curious for so long. So that's how she saved him. He thought.

He expected to see more but he felt like he was going to wake up any time now. He looked around trying to search for fate because she always seemed to appear when he's on the verge of waking up. Fortunately, he found her. She was standing right in front of him, both Jihee and Ren were no longer in that scene. He wanted to speak with her, ask her a bunch of questions but she just never respond.

"Why?" He asked, attempting once more.

"Give up on her while the truth has not surfaced."

"I can't."

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