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                 Ever since Ren learned of the stranger's existence, he befriended her and Jungwon did not want to watch how their friendship blossomed.

He watched how Ren broke down the stranger's walls, carved himself a place in her mind, and made her feel all sort of things she never thought she even was capable of feeling. he looked at fate who stood beside him as she forced him to finish watching the memory.

Jungwon was starting to understand why Jihee would always make bad remarks about fate whenever chance she gets.

"I don't want to watch this." He tells her.

"This is the interesting part, Jungwon. This will give you a better understanding as to why your girl is so angry with this reality that she almost desolated it from my library." She replies to him. She snapped her fingers and he felt his neck move on its own, forcing him to return his gaze to the memory.

They were currently in Ren's home and the stranger looked around, noticing the badly structured and untidy house. Ren was not fortunate enough to be born into the privileged families in his reality, he was forced into a life that no one could ever wish to have.

"Your reality is horrible." The stranger seemed to like saying that sentence.

Suddenly, a woman dressed in dirty clothes a little older than Ren came out from one of the rooms. Though it took time, Jungwon realized it was Ren's mother because of how similar they looked but she seemed so young. He concluded that she may have been pregnant at a young age. Her eyes widened upon seeing a cleanly dressed individual in the premises of their home.

"What is she doing here?" The woman asked.

"She's a friend of mine. She can help you with your illness." Ren says, glancing at the stranger with a hopeful expression. They never discussed it but now that she was put in the spot, she knew she had to fulfill Ren's wishes. "She has a heart disease, can you heal her?"

Forcing a smile for her friend. "I'll do it."

"What are you--" The woman was cut off when the stranger had grabbed her hand and a bright light appeared.

Jungwon raised his eyebrow. "What has this got to do with why she's angry with this reality?" He asked fate.

Fate then swished her hand and in a blink of an eye, they were no longer in Ren's home. He looked around and realized they were now in a larger house and a bunch of people surrounded the stranger, asking her to do all sorts of things with her magic. She was reluctant at first but given her young age and Ren's convincing, she made their wishes come true.

Turning paper into money. Producing food to ease their hunger.

They took advantage of her powers, asking her to make things come true until her hands were sore from having to cast so much magic.

Jungwon clenched his fist.

"I don't want to see this anymore."

Fate chuckles. "Our time is up anyway. Good luck Jungwon, something big is about to appear."

"Can love truly conquer everything?"


To tell the truth, Jihee first thought was she didn't fit in this reality.

When she first started as a stranger, she was venturesome given that she was now capable of all sort of things and death will never be a problem for her. She long thought she would find a home in a reality that was far from the word simple, but those expectations was washed down the drain the moment she got attached to everyone in this reality.

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