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      "Who are you?" They both said, simultaneously.

"You're not human, are you? Did you do this? Did you make it rain pages?" Jungwon asked her all at once but she instead grew annoyed because of his constant questions.

All of a sudden a bright light appeared on her hands and a door knob appeared. She tried twisting it but it was no use, it was locked from the other side and the culprit was no other than fate who sent her a message by making it rain book pages.

She pointed her index finger on Jungwon when she failed to open the door. "You're not human either, are you? Are you even from this reality? Why do you have a protection spell on you?"

"A protection what now?" He looked at her with confusion plastered all over his face. "How am I not human when you're the one with golden eyes?"

She walked closer, looking down at him who was still sprawled on the floor. "I don't think you understand clearly what just happened." She crossed her arms.

She snapped her fingers and all of a sudden, Jungwon felt a force push him up until he was standing on his own two feet. Every time the mysterious girl would use her powers, he would grow more scared than he already was. It wasn't everyday you see someone with extraordinary abilities like her.

In fact it wasn't even everyday, you never see someone with abilities like hers!

"Yang Jungwon, right?" She asked and judging by the slight shock on his face, she got the answer to her question. "You're not normal sweetie, this book was written to have no sort of magic. The fact you even have a protection spell on you bends the rules of this reality, and bending rules of realities is my job!"

"And now because of your stupid protection spell, fate locked me here in your reality!" She glared at him, quickly throwing the blame to him when he didn't even have any idea what she was talking about.

Jungwon scratched his nape, clenching his eyes close as he continued to listen to the girl spew nonsense in front of him. "Listen ma'am, I don't know what you're saying! I don't have any magic, okay?"

"Can you please just answer me? Who are you and why were you spying on Byeol?"

Laughter escaped her lips after she heard his question. He had no idea which part of his sentence was funny to her but he just kept his mouth shut as the girl continued to laugh. How did his day even go to this direction? Earlier, he was just walking with Byeol but now he's talking with a mysterious person who for some reason keeps saying he's not normal like her.

"Oh you are funny." She says, wiping a tear that fell from her right eye. "I was not spying on Byeol or you, I was spying on the man she's destined to end up with who disappeared along with her."

His heart dropped a little when he heard that he really isn't the man Byeol ends up with. Wait a minute. Why is he believing this girl anyway? How is she sure that whoever she was spying on, was the man for Byeol?

Why was she even spying on someone in the first place?

And why the hell is he still talking to her?

Maybe the fact that this was Jungwon's first time seeing someone with powers, intrigued him. So now he keeps asking her questions that he's sure will just annoy her.

"You haven't answered my first question."

Just answer the question and my curiosity would finally calm down.

She crossed her arms. "I have no name but fate calls me stranger. Have I eased your curiosity now or did the mere mention of fate arouse more interest?" She tilts her head to the side, a smirk plastered on her face.

She was right, Jungwon was even more curious when he heard her say fate calls her stranger. He does remember seeing the book pages were signed by a person who goes by the name 'fate'. Could it be that the fate she pertains to is the actual fate?

Fighting the urge to ask her anymore question, he set his curiosity aside. As of now his fear for her still remains even though he was aware that her powers had no effect on him. Fear is after all the human's natural reaction when first seeing something they've never seen, let alone understand.

"Listen I-I'm sorry if because of me you're stuck here but I'll keep quiet about it, I promise!" He stuttered a little at the beginning because of his nervousness. He even put his hands together, lowering his head as he pleads her to let him go.

She points her fingers once more at him. "From now on pretend you can't see me. It's dangerous enough someone knows, adding more would cause jeopardy." He nods before turning his back on her to walk back home.

The walk back to his house took awfully long. It could be because all Jungwon could think about was the bright light that appeared when she touched his forehead, knocking them both away from their feet. And above all, the protection spell she claims he has. If he was going to be honest, half of what she said made no sense to him.

He couldn't be out of the ordinary. There was no explanation if he was.

Sighing, Jungwon opened the gate and pushed the door to his house. His grandmother welcomed him with a warm smile as she watches her favorite tv show.

The stranger on the other hand, had the biggest frown on her face. She kept stomping back and forth in the park because fate took away the one single ability she can't live without. Her teleportation.

Fate had made it perfectly clear to her never to show her powers to anyone for this reality. It was mainly because the last time she showed her powers, she ended up causing an apocalypse which fate had to fix. That happened multiple times until fate grew tired of having to rewrite realities, and so fate forbade the stranger to show her abilities to anyone.

But then, she was accidentally caught by a person who could see through her invisibility spell. He was unaffected by her powers because of the protection spell she felt when she attempted to erase his memories of her.

"Yang Jungwon... Yang Jungwon..." She repeats his name.

A smile appeared on her lips. "This is interesting."


stranger will probably be a short story eheh a mixture of angst nd fluff as u requested ^_^

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