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The stranger was back once more to the library of realities, ready to bombard fate with a bunch of questions.

"So there's an old stranger in this reality. Is that what you wanted me to find out?" Jihee said the moment she saw fate reading one of the books she wrote.

"Oh you're back. It's a relief you figured it out immediately." She compliments her before putting her attention back to the book. "Although I do assume that you have more to ask. Am I right, stranger?"

"Is she alive in the current timeline?" Jihee asked and to her surprise fate gave her a nod. "Then, where is she?"

She shrugged. "Well who knows? I lost in touch with strangers who have chosen to stay in their preferred reality. I have no idea as to where she is."

Jihee wanted to laugh because it was obvious fate was lying to her. She knew everything and everyone, there was no way she wouldn't know where she was, not when she was a stranger back then.

"Fate, I know you know."

A smile crept to fate's lips. "Stranger, this is your mission not mine. I do not control your choices, therefore I have nothing to do with this. You must accomplish this on your own."

"In fact it's quite easy to look for her, especially since strangers have something that distinguishes them among everyone." Fate explained, closing her book to put all her focus on the stranger. "Let me remind you, you have no fate nor will you ever have any. Your life is yours to write not mine."

Jihee frowned, crossing her arms in the process. "You're making no sense."

Fate chuckled, for some weird reason she was entertained with messing with the stranger's head. "You're bright stranger, everything will make sense to you soon. Now wake up so you can get your search over with, you have 6 months left right?"

Before Jihee forced herself to wake up, she stopped in her tracks to ask fate one last question. "She's... not the stranger before me right?"

"Why don't you find out yourself?"


"Jihee, are you going home already?" Sunoo asked once he spotted the familiar girl by her locker, shoving every book in her bag inside. "Woah calm down with the books, you're going to rip it."

Closing her locker, she finally looked at Sunoo with an apologetic smile because of what she made him watch. "Sorry, just not in the mood." She apologized. "No more president duties?"

He nods, grabbing his phone from his pocket to look at the time. "You coming with me or are you going to wait for Jungwon again?" He asked, suppressing the urge to smile in a teasing manner.

"I'll wait for him, it's fine." She insisted. "Get home safe!" Sunoo smiled and waved at her before he bids farewell.

Tying her hair to a ponytail first, she fixed her bag, crossing her arms after to make her way to the gymnasium where Jungwon was practicing. When she encouraged him to join the team, she had no idea she would be spending quite a lot of time waiting for him to finish. She was the most impatient person and to think she was willingly waiting for him. What was happening to her?

Entering the gymnasium, she could already see the team doing drills. Turning herself invisible, she sat on the bleachers a little far from their bags. She didn't know if other students were allowed to watch so she chose to remain invisible and plus, it wasn't like Jungwon wouldn't be able to see her.

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