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A week passed since Jungwon and Sunghoon last encountered. They never really interacted even though they studied at the same school for years. He never would've thought a day would come where they would converse like that.

Whenever he wants to approach Byeol, he always had this urge to consult Jihee first because he was afraid it may be a bad time. But most of the time she replies by saying he should do what he wants to do. What she said to him never left his head, he should've known since their first meeting that she would never be totally honest with him.

Because if she does, they were both risking changing the course of fate.

"Grandma didn't say anything when she visited our family home, I guess you never really stay there in the morning." Jungwon said as he and Jihee walk to school.

This was starting to be their routine. He would go to his family home to pick her up because she always forgets she had to attend classes. There were multiple times where she's angry at him because she lost her ability to skip through time. He was also starting to grow less and less scared of her, in fact right now he considered her a friend of his.

He doesn't have a clue though if she considers him a friend.

"Hm I think I should buy a phone." Jihee says as they were walking towards the bus stop to make their way to school. "What do you think?"

Jungwon rolled his eyes. "I already told you multiple times to do it. You keep giving people my number."

She chuckles mischievously. "Yeah I should buy one. What's the best phone out there?"

"You're buying an expensive one?" He asked and she nods. "Where are you even going to get the money?"

"I swear you ask the most obvious questions. Do you really not know the answer to that question?" She scoffs.

Ah I forgot how much her magic is capable of.

"Then I guess if I ever go in debt I could just ask money from you." He jokes.

"Hm sure. So spend as much as you please, I got your back." She smirks at him.

The way to the school was quiet because both were too busy thinking about stuff. The students in their school was starting to get used at the sight of Jungwon and Jihee together, even Sunoo was surprised at first because they were always together but he got used to it in the end.

"Nothing's going to happen today, right?" Jungwon asked her but the only reply she gave him was a shrug, meaning to say she did not want to disclose anything about the future.

"See you later, Yang Jungwon!" She waves at him before heading to her class. He frowned as he stared at her back but it didn't take him very long to make his way to his own class.

But he immediately when he saw Byeol.

"Jungwon, hi." She greets him with a small smile. "I see you've been spending way too much time with Jihee, how dare you not tell me anything?" She pouts.

Jungwon shook his head. "Oh no Jihee and I are just friends. How about you? Are you okay? You look down."

"Ah there's just a lot going on." She replies. "I never would've thought love can be so exhausting."


"Nothing." She smiled. "Have a good day, Won." She tells him one last time and walked away.

The day went on and surprisingly, Jungwon did not see Jihee at all which greatly worried him. The fact that she's gone could only mean she's spying on Sunghoon and Byeol again.

"Have you seen Jihee?" Jungwon asked Sunoo once school was over.

Sunoo raised his eyebrow. "Huh? Why are you asking me? Aren't you the one always with her?"

He frowned. "Haven't seen her since we got here."

He stayed there by the exit of the school to wait for Jihee. She really needed a phone so he would at least have some way to contact her. Who knows what she could be up to.

"Did you hear? Im Byeol and Jo Inseong are causing a scene."

"Really? Why?"

"I heard Inseong overheard Byeol and Sunghoon talking about them having a secret relationship."

So that is where Jihee must be!

Wait a minute.

Byeol and Inseong are causing a scene?

He was about to run to wherever those girls were saying but someone managed to grab a hold of his bag, pulling him back to where he was standing. Jihee stood there behind him, holding his bag to stop him from going to Byeol. Sunoo was surprised to see here there all of a sudden.

"Sunoo can I talk to my friend here in private?" Jihee smiled kindly but it was obvious how forced it was. Sunoo nods like a robot and walks away from them.

"Did you just use mind control on my best friend?!" Jungwon asked in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes. "You're not going to Byeol."


"It was my mistake. I messed with the flow of this world, by now you should've gone home." She clenched her eyes shut as she explained.


"At least tell me Sunghoon is going there, Jihee." He asked her, the desperation evident in his voice but she looked away from his eyes.

"No he's not. But fate—"

He toon a deep breath. "I don't care about fate right now Jihee, I have to go to her." Jungwon said, trying to run away from her again but she pulled his bag harder.

"No, you're not going to mess with fate Jungwon." She said.

He stared at her golden eyes for a short moment before he decided his next step.

"Sorry." He removed his bag so he could run away from her.

Jihee angrily watched Jungwon run away from her. She should've been more careful, she should've made sure that the course of fate wasn't changing because of her interference.

"Damn you, Yang Jungwon!" She grits her teeth before running to wherever Sunghoon was.

"Now I have to deal with this myself."


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