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"Are you waiting for Jihee?" Byeol asked Jungwon as they stopped walking when they reached the gate.

"Yeah, she has my bag and well I usually go home with her." Jungwon replies.

After he ran away from Jihee, he tried to set aside the fact that she was definitely going to be angry at him for disobeying fate. When he got to Byeol, she already had the fight covered so there wasn't much he had to do but comfort her. She was so down because everyone found out about her and Sunghoon.

"What are you going to do now that everybody knows about you and Sunghoon?" He asked.

She shrugs while sighing at the same time. "I don't know, maybe it's best if we take a break. These past few days we've been fighting so much, I guess we both deserve some time to think."

"I hope you're sure about your decision." He says.

Then Jungwon heard footsteps from behind him. Turning his head, he caught sight of her familiar golden eyes. Jihee was standing there while holding his bag with an angry expression. She looked like she was on the verge of starting an apocalypse because of her anger.

She walked forward and threw Jungwon's bag at him, going straight ahead without waiting for him.

"I'm sorry Byeol, I have to go." He quickly apologizes to Byeol before chasing Jihee. "Wait Jihee!"

"Jihee!" He called her but she continued to angrily stomps away from him. "Jihee!" He got a hold of her wrist. "I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes. "If my powers worked on you, you would have been a cockroach by now." She glared at him.

"Look nothing bad happened—"

"No Jungwon. There's a reason why I'm careful with interfering with your lives. Changing the story written by fate is dangerous." She explained. "I've been in hundreds of realities and I've seen many lives end because of my interference. And this time, without my ability to change time, I am unable to save anyone."

He never thought of that. He never realized how dangerous messing with fate was. He looked down guiltily and apologized once more.

"I'm sorry."

Jihee takes a deep breath before she spoke once more. "Just be careful sometimes. Who knows what could've happened to Sunghoon if I hadn't interfered."

"Huh? What happened?" Jungwon stopped walking to ask her.

"Sunghoon was getting beaten up earlier and supposedly, Byeol was fated to save him but because you kept her distracted I had to do it myself." She crossed her arms while rolling her eyes annoyingly.

"Don't tell me you turned one of them into a rat and erased the witnesses' memories." He frowned, remembering when she saw two people fighting in the street. He had to hold her back because she wanted to turn them into rats just so they would stop fighting.

A scowl appear on her face. "I did not turn them into rats, is that really how you think of me?"


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