Part Forty-Four: Chapter 329: Watching You Watching Me

Start from the beginning

Anyway, in my investigation into Harley Quinn, I discovered that she had a child. A two year old daughter named Lucy. And to be honest, the thought of the Joker procreating, scared the everliving fuck out of me. Probably at least half of this city would agree with me.

But, I discovered that the plot thickened. It wasn't the Joker's kid at all. I found a DNA test that showed the child was related to him however. The Joker was her uncle, not her father. So naturally, I think about Jester, the Joker's twin brother. It made sense. I had managed to find a single green hair on me after my encounter with "Clown the Second". So I had Jester's DNA. But what do I find? The kid wasn't his either.

At this point I retested everything again, thinking I had made an error somewhere. Because DNA like the Joker's was extremely complicated. Half of it was chemicals, and those chemicals altered things drastically. But I hadn't made any mistakes. Which could only mean one more thing. There was a second brother. I wonder if there had actually been triplets? Three Jokers?

By following Harley, I was led right to the answer to the question. A young man, younger than the Joker and the Jester. Hair and skin like the Joker's. But his features didn't quite match the Joker twins. Was this the third one?

Obtaining a DNA specimen from this third man was exceedingly difficult. It was as if he knew I was out there trying to get it. And at every turn he was avoiding my traps. But as I followed him, something else presented itself to me. He was the Red Hood. The criminal currently at the top of the GCPD's most wanted list.

The GCPD had the Red Hood's DNA. Presumably of course, since they hadn't caught him. And wouldn't you know, they were looking for the Joker. Because that's what the DNA seemed to be saying. But when I investigated it for myself, more in depth, past the chemicals, I discovered that it wasn't the Joker. It was the third brother. A half brother to the clowns.

And now I have lost Harley and the Red Hood. I think they're on the run together. But their daughter was still in the Joker's care. Why would they leave their child behind? It didn't make sense. It was a mystery. And I just had to solve it.

So I followed around "Clown the Second". I knew he was part of the Joker's organization, unlike the unnamed half brother. But Jester was on to me. He stood back and watched me watching him. He seems amused by me. Which is odd, he should be suspicious about all the investigating I've been doing. But he seems the least bit concerned by it.

And of course I found out why. Because I had to. So I walked into a diner and had a seat. Ordered lunch. Within minutes Jester is approaching my table. "Miss Julia Paradise," he smirks at me, showing me he's been doing his homework on me as well. "My, investigating works up quite the appetite, doesn't it?" He asks and sits across from me and picks up a menu.

"Uh, did I say you could sit there?" I ask him with a disgruntled look on my face.

"Well, I didn't ask," he sighs, "I figured you wouldn't mind since it keeps me in your line of view and all. I mean, you have been following me all day," he gives me a twisted little smirk. A waitress comes over to the table to take his order. "I'll have the club sandwich," he tells her, but she just stands staring at him in shock. "I can see by the look you're giving me that you think I'm him. I assure you I'm not."

She doesn't believe him and looks over at me, "He's not the Joker, he's a Joker impersonator," I tell her.

She believes me. "Is there a lot of money in impersonating the Joker?" She asks him.

Jester rolls his eyes at me. I don't think he likes being called an impersonator. But he remains cordial to the waitress, "It pays the bills." And the waitress walks away with a smile. "An impersonator?" He looks at me, "I thought you'd be more creative than that."

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