Chapter 28: Family

Start from the beginning

"Alex should be bringing her down any second now." I looked at my watch counting backwards from ten in my head.






I heard her feet running down the steps. She ran into the room with a cranky Shi on her hip.

Rocky sat up between my legs to take her.

"Awwww there's my baby." He kissed all over her cheeks making her stop. Alex got on the couch sitting on my legs.

"How do you want your hair tomorrow?" I said in a yawn.

"Just parted in the middle like I had it that one time." I nodded and made her lay on my chest so I could rub through her hair.

I heard two sets of feet and giggling. Marley ran in and hid under the coffee table.

"What in the-"

"Mommy, daddy ssh. I'm hiding from. Genny." I zipped my lips and pretend to put the key in my shirt, Kim threw his key behind his back.

Genesis ran in and looked around.

"Where'd she go?" I shrugged my shoulders and she huffed.

"If I find the key will you tell me?" Kim nodded and she ran behind the couch.

"Found it." Kim held his hand out and she placed the imaginary key in it. He unzipped his lips and winked at Genesis who peaked from under the table.

He whispered in Marley's ear and she nodded. She went to the other side of the table slowly.

Genesis busted out laughing. Marley jumped on her back giggling.

"I found you now giddy up horsey!" She ran off and they started making horse sounds.

Cookie got off me and ran away.

"Genny the sheriff's coming!" I heard Marley yell from the play room.

"They're a mess." Kim laid the other way with Lo standing on his legs with him holding her up.

"Shi you gotta go to sleep for daddy or you'll be all cranky later." She made she little baby noises.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." He handed her to me and she jumped up and down.

"You gotta go to sleep. Like this." I closed my eyes and faked a snore. She laughed and put her fingers in her mouth chewing on them.

"Your gums itching?" She squealed flashing her little teeth that were already showing.

"C'mon it's time to eat. Then you have to lay down for mommy." Kim stood up with me. I walked across the house to the kitchen and sat her in her high chair. Luckily I had on house clothes. Kim went upstairs to change and came back down in a outfit to get dirty in.

Shiloh likes to throw food.

I put my hair in a top knot ready for action. Rocky sat two baby food jars on the tray and two tiny spoons.

"Which one do you want first?" I held the jars in front of her and she reached for the jar of mashed bananas.

I opened it and smelled it.

"Shit that smells bad." I grabbed a spoon and put some on it. "It's good Shi look." I put the spoon to Rocky's mouth and he squinted at me. Her doctor said it's good to demonstrate how to eat during the first few months of eating baby food, since their so used to a bottle.

He ate it and forced a smile.

"It's good, right daddy?" He gave a thumbs up.

"Mmm so good." He swallowed and shook his head.

"So now you don't have to throw it because daddy likes it." Rocky pinched me under my arm almost making me drop it.

I cut my eyes at him and focused back on Shi.

"Okay here we go." She opened her mouth and made a face at first.

Oh shit she bout to throw it.

He wiped her mouth and sat the napkin down. I put more on the spoon and she opened her mouth.

I looked in there and it was gone.

"Yayyy you did it" . I sat the jar on the table, giving her the second spoon full and grabbed the other one.

I twisted the cap but it wouldn't budge.

"Maybe if you smack the bottom of it." Rock patted the bottom and the lid popped. I reached for it when I felt something hit my face.

I huffed and Lo began laughing. She had reached in the jar and threw it.

I looked at Kim as he wiped the splatters off his arm along with her hand. I wiped my cheek and closed the jar.

He got the lid off and grabbed the other spoon.

"Mommy is gonna show you how to eat this because throwing is a no no."

"What? No-"

He shoved a spoon full of peas in my mouth and I cringed slightly.

"Is it good mommy?" I nodded and swallowed slowly, holding my breath so I wouldn't taste it.

She clapped her hands.

He gave her some and she ate it, banging her hands on the tray, while kicking her legs.

"Yayyy." We both said.

After we fed her some more I gave her some baby benadryl for her gums and laid her in her crib as she fell sleep.

I shut her light off and turned the baby monitor on.

The girls and the dogs were in their play room watching some kids show.

I walked down the long hall to our bedroom. Closing the door and turning on the baby monitor, I ran and jumped on the bed.

Kim pulled me to him, closing his eyes. I looked at all the details on his face, just taking him in one look at a time.

"Stop staring at me you creep.:

"I can't help it." He opened one eye and sat up.

"Help me with this durag baby." He reached in his nightstand, pulling it out. I straddled his lap helping him.

I tucked the strings in before kissing his lips.

"You know the frame is having a fashion show tomorrow morning?" He nodded smiling. "And I had got in contact with the owner and... I got us tickets to see it.... And I also...... Got it to be our venue for the wedding." He gasped lowly.

We had been trying to get the building for our wedding for months now. I had finally got in contact with the actual owner and granted my wishes once he realized who I was. I started to come there with my dad during fashion week when I was 7.

"You serious?!" I nodded. He hugged me tight and did this little dance.

"Is that your happy dance?"

"Yeah I just invented it's called I got the best wife ever dance."

The rest of the day we got the kids ready for their first day of school tomorrow. Going over their bus schedules and packing their book bags.

I love my family.


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