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The portal changes and the ship flies through it, the planet exploding behind them.

"WOOHOO!" Jim shouts. [name] falls to the ground, his legs weak and his head spinning, probably from the blood loss and shock.

"You've done it, Jimmy!" Silver calls. "You've done it boy! Haha!"

Morph becomes confetti and fireworks as Silver laughs loudly. Jim flies a couple victory laps around the boat before landing on the main deck.

"Didn't I say he had greatness in him!" Silver grins, clutching his fist.

Jim walks over to [name], who's still sitting on the floor. The crew from below cheers, happy to not be dead. Jim stretches out a hand to [name] and helps him up. [name] grabs the outstretched hand in his left.

As soon as [name] had gotten up from the floor Jim pulled him into a hug.

"Ow, ow! Jim, my arm," [name] says as he taps Jim on the hip. Jim quickly pulls back.

"Oh, I'm sorry [name]!" Jim says, his eyes finding the wrapped arm. "How did that happen? And when? Why didn't you say anything? Who-"

'Fuck it.'

[name] grabbed the side of Jim's face and smashed their lips together. Jim's eyes were blown wide while [name]'s were squeezed shut. Silver whistles and looks away. In the background you could see Delbert and Amelia embracing each other.

"Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective," Amelia clears her throat. The boys separate and blushes. "I'd be proud to recommend you two to the Interstellar Academy. They could use good kids like you."

Silver smiles proudly at the two, very embarrassed teens, and looks at Morph. [name] clears his throat and looks at Amelia.

"I'm sorry, but that was all Jim, and as you all know now," [name] looks down at his feet and takes a deep breath "I'm a murderer."

"Aw, tish-tosh. I've seen you're other qualities Mr. Wisteria. You'll be a fine addition to the academy and a good role model for the other students. Plus, I doubt Mr. Hawkins would want to attend without you."

[name] looks at Amelia and smiles a little.

"Just wait until your mother hears about this!" Delbert smiles enthusiastically at Jim before his smile drops. "Of course... We may downplay the life-threatening parts."

Jim chuckles and looks over at [name].

"Jimmy, [name]! That was unforgettable!" B.E.N grins, "Jim, I know you don't like me touching, but get ready for a hug you two, cause I gotta hug ya!"

B.E.N laughs in pure glee and hugs Jim and [name] tightly.

"Ow! What is it with people and squeezing injured people?!" [name] says, in a sarcastic irritated voice.

B.E.N chuckles and rubs the back of their mechanic head, but then they suddenly gasp.

"Hey! You hugged me back! Oh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry." B.E.N starts sobbing and Jim pats his back in comfort.

[name] clears his throat and Jim looks over at him. [name] jerks his head in the direction Silver was moments ago.

"Does anyone have a tissue?"

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