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Me and Jim step out of the boat-bus, and look around the port in awe. Jim has never been to the spaceport and I was last there when I was 14, and a lot has changed. We were both eager to get going and start the journey.

I look at Jim as he has the expression of a puppy, and let me tell you, it was absolutely adorable. I smiled to myself but as soon as it appeared, it was gone. We hear Delbert's muffled voice behind us, coming from the bus.

"Jim! [Name]! Wait for me!"

Jim looks up at the blue sky in annoyance and lets out an exasperated sigh, as I look at the ground and groan. He lightly nudges my arm and I chuckle and slightly shake my head.

I start to walk forward, to escape the weird conversation that would follow. I could still hear the clanking of the copper suit and I internally cringed.

I started to let my gaze wander for a bit. I soon find a robot on a ladder, with an alien man holding it in place and I politely ask for directions. I could hear what I hoped was Jim approaching from behind.

"Uhm... excuse me for intruding, but do you know where the ships are ported?" I politely as humanly possible try to ask. The robot pauses what he was doing.

"Second berth on your right," he answers in a monotone voice.

"You can't miss it." The small alien man continues in a gruff voice.

"Thank you so much." I smile to mask my mild surprise from how gruff that man's voice was. I turn around, just to come face to face with Jim.

"Where is Delbert?" I ask with a raised brow. He rubs his neck and just walks past me down the few steps of stairs, and I look in the direction where he came from.

"It's the suit isn't it?" I could hear Delbert call as he was catching up to us. I turn around and walk down the stairs to a waiting Jim. "I should have never listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman."

I sigh and take Jim's hand in mine and drag him forwards to try and get to the ship as soon as possible.

"This one said it fit! That one said it was my color, I didn't know what to do, I got so flustered!" Delbert continues to ramble as we walk.

Jim's sudden stop, yanks me back and I look over my shoulder to see him smiling up at a magnificent ship.

I get out of my daydream by Delbert coming crashing into our backs. We look back at the doctor and Jim shoots him an annoyed glare.

"Oh! There it is! This is our ship!" Delbert smiles widely and points up at the beautiful ship before us. "The R.L.S Legacy!" He presents, throwing up his hands dramatically.

I stared up at the ship, it was absolutely gorgeous. The ship was mostly white, with a blue line about 1/4th down from the top, and a red just above that. It was truly magnificent.

"Woah," Jim exclaims, pausing as he sees me crouching down to say hello to a kid.

The little girl giggles and runs up to me.

"You're very pretty Mister." She says looking down at her shoes and fiddling with her fingers.

"Thank you, you're also very pretty. But I think you should run back to your parents. They must be worried." I ruffle the girl's hair and gently smile at her. She gives me a wide smile back and runs away. I stand up to face a red faced Jim.

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