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A lone alien with 6 eyes yells with a high pitched voice, from above, "We're all clear, Captaaain!"

Amelia stands straight and tall, observing a crew member steering her ship. Delbert was peeking over the ledge, almost falling over.

"Well, my friend. Are we ready to raise this creaking tub?" Amelia smirks at Mr. Arrow.

"My pleasure, Captain." Amelia nods with a smile as he booms, "all hands to stations!"

Jim and [Name] emerge from below, watching everyone scurry around like rats.

"Come on, ya scurvy scum!" A raspy woman's voice comes from a small alien with two legs with hands instead of feet. "I'll race ya!"

Other aliens chase after her onto the beams, grabbing their assigned rope.

"Loose all solar sails!" Mr. Arrow demands, they oblige, releasing the sails, letting them catch the wind.

Jim looks over at [Name] with a small smile, marveling at how pretty he looked as he watched the aliens above work, with fascination.

Jim was snapped out of his little one sided staring contest by someone ramming into him, and he shoots a sharp glare at the alien that crashed into him while pulling the ropes.

Jim grabs [Name]'s hand and gently pulls him away to a less occupied area.

The ship slowly starts to rise into the air and [Name] and Jim look over the side at the flying rays.

"Heave up the braces!" Mr. Arrow continued, "Brace up!"

The small main sail opens up, and starts to glimmer as the sunlight hits its solar panel. The rest of the masts start to shimmer as well, indicating they were powering up.

[Name] taps Jim on the shoulder and points to the masts, not wanting him to miss out on anything.

He looks over and his gaze lifts to the masts, making his baby blue eyes shine with the shimmers in the sails.

[Name] smiles softly and looks back at the masts.

Meanwhile down below, a chubby purple alien with horns watches in anticipation as power gathers in 3 tubes. He grips the power lever and impatiently taps his fingers.

Back above, the ship was still rising and gathering power through the sails.

Jim gasps a little in surprise at the sudden loss of gravity, while [Name] calmly stands unfazed and grabs Jim's hand so he doesn't float out of the boat.

Delbert gasps and flails about, while Amelia and Mr. Arrow look unfazed.

"Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity," she calmly calls, and the fart alien from below salutes and lets out a string of fart noises, pressing down on a lever.

A bright purple light goes over the whole ship.

Delbert crashes on his face, while Amelia and Mr. Arrow land softly on their feet.

[Name] gracefully lands and grabs Jim by the waist so he doesn't fall. He laughs awkwardly as a small pink starts dusting his cheeks at the position their in.

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