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Mr. Turnbuckle holds a gun close to Delbert and Amelia, so if they thought about doing anything 'funny', he'd be able to shoot them in a millisecond. The rest of the crew stands closer to the front of the boat, looking over the sides. Jim and [name] were both placed underneath Silver's arms.

Silver and most of the crew jump out of the boat and land on the mossy ground with a huff. Jim and [name] follow after them.  Delbert and Amelia are left on the boat tied up with Grewnage holding them at gunpoint.

The pulsing of the green trail is now faster as they get closer. [name] walks a little behind Jim, still not quite out of the shock. Whimpering could be heard from Jim's pocket. Jim looks down to see Morph peeking out with a worried expression.

"It's okay, Morph, it's okay," Jim says softly.

B.E.N walks up behind the two teenagers and taps Jim on the shoulder.

"Jimmy, [name], I don't know about you two, but I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes!" They cry. "At least, I think it's my life? Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe!"

Jim looks around, his eyes widening and [name] covers the ear closest to B.E.N with his hand.

"B.E.N, shhh!" Jim demands, holding his finger up in front of his lips. "This isn't over yet."

Jim, [name] and B.E.N walk up towards Silver as he suddenly stops with a wide toothy smile.

"We're getting close lads," He addresses and changes his cyborg hand to a cutlass and points it in the direction of the treasure with a motivating grin. "I smell treasure awaitin'!"

The crew cheers after Silver's small speech, then he grabs [name] and Jim's collar, dragging them with him.

Silver slices the strange stems shooting up from the ground in front of them, a weird slimy substance oozing out of them. Silver's smirk fades away as soon as he sees that there's nothing ahead of them except a cliff.

"Where is it?" One of the crew mates asked.

"I see nothing!" Onus screeches. "One great, stinking hunk of nothing!"

The map shuts itself.

"What's going on, Jimbo? [name]?" Silver asks with a frown on his face.

"I don't know, I can't get it open," Jim says worriedly as he struggles to get the map open again.

"We should've never followed these kids," Bird Brain Mary snarls, jumping up and kicking both Jim and [name] in the back, making them tumble to the floor. For a small, two legged creature, she sure has a lot of strength.

"I'd suggest you get that gizmo going again, and fast." Silver threatens.

Jim looks at the ground in front of them. He sees a hollow in the ground a few centimeters away from them. It's the same size as the map and has the same patterns.

"Let's rip their gizzards, right now!" The crew mates shout. "Throw them off the cliff!" Jim brushes away some moss and shoves the map into the hollow, and the two teenage boys watch with wide eyes as the ground beneath them begins to glow a bright lime green, the same color as the beam that showed them the directions to the treasure.

A small sphere that looks like a map of the whole universe emerges from the map. Lines shoot out from the cliff on the other side, and they all connect to create a giant, triangular door, or portal.

"Oh, have mercy," Silver gasps, his jaw on the floor.

Streaks of purple, blue and pink are scattered around through the portal. It's a beautiful sight.

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