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The next morning it was all the same.

Someone walked in and woke them up and then left again.

[Name] sat up and stretched his arms above his head. He could hear Ian groaning below. Haven yawned and dragged their hands down their face.

As [Name] climbed down the ladder he could hear the tired voice of Haven, saying good morning.

"Good morning, Haven. How did you sleep?" asked [Name], a yawn interrupting him.

"I slept fine. The beds are a little uncomfortable, but I manage." They answered with a shrug.

[Name] turned his head to look at Ian. He had the biggest bed hair [Name] had ever seen. His black hair was sticking out everywhere.

Ian rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"G'morning." He groaned.

"Get up, we're going to be late, Moron." [Name] said.

"Oh, so you're worried about me?" He asked smugly.

[Name] furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the entrance. As he was walking away, he could hear Haven laughing and Ian whining that 'his precious little [Name]' didn't love him.

[Name] rolled his eyes and stepped out of the door.

After a bit of walking, he arrived at the cafeteria and said his name and got his breakfast. It consisted mostly of protein, so he could grow muscles and carbohydrate so he could keep his energy.

It didn't look good, but [Name] figured he would have to get used to it. He took a bite and swallowed. It didn't taste good either.

Don't they know how to use seasoning or what? I couldn't even make food this bad if I tried.

During his internal conversation, Haven and Ian had joined him. They all sat and talked up until they had to get to training.

Their training was sniping and finding what gun that would be best for their size and strength.

This was what the next months looked like.

Wake up, eat, train and repeat.

[Name] excelled fast and caught the attention of his superiors. So, he was quickly moving up the ranks. But the higher he moved the less time he had to spend with his friends.

They were understanding people so they didn't hold any grudges and didn't blame him.

During his time with them, he had started to view them as family. Ian was almost like a big brother to him and Haven was like a parent.

He did bring Ian with him when he had to visit the headquarters, on Ian's orders, since he was still 'his precious little [Name]'. But after a while he would always disappear, but when it was time to leave, he almost magically appeared out of thin air.

[Name] just thought he had been distracted, like the big puppy he was.

Two years had passed and [Name] was now 13. He had grown a lot during his time there. He had grown some muscle and he was taller, standing at 157 cm. Some scars had been made along the way, but none of them were as large as those to come.

Haven and Ian had grown a lot too.

Haven was 17 now and almost 2 meter tall and they had cut their hair. It rested just above their jaw. They had also matured a lot. They didn't stutter anymore and had gained a lot of confidence. They were still very nice and acted like a mother to (name) making sure he ate and took care of himself.

Ian was almost the same, personality wise. He was still a happy go-lucky person. He had also aged and was now 16 and he stood at 175 cm and his hair was at his waist. He usually puts it in a bun. He had been getting a little distant though.

During the time spent there, they had become really close and [Name] had more than once made the mistake of calling Haven his mother. The first time he hadn't even acknowledged it, but the second time when someone pointed it out, he had turned into a tomato and Ian had laughed so hard he rolled on the floor.

They had a lot of good moments. But not everything has good endings.

There they were again, in that truck driving on that bumpy road. Only this time they were going into war. The gunshots could be heard from miles away.

[Name] took a deep breath and his hands clenched around his weapon. Haven seemed to notice his uneasiness. They turned to look at him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll make it out alive. I promise you that." They said, looking into his eyes.

[Name] nodded and managed a small smile. Haven gave a big one in return just as the car stopped.

Everyone was on high alert. And after 3 seconds one after another hopped out of the car.

[Name] crouched down, weapon in hand. He cautiously looked around.


One, two, three, four shots were fired.

The sound of a gun rang through his ears.

He had just killed someone.

[Name] didn't have time to dwell over a dead body. He pointed his gun towards another and fired.

And another.

And another.




He didn't think, he just fired.

After what felt like just a couple of minutes they were back in that car. They had won back their land. This was one step closer to victory.

It was for the right cause, right?

They were the heroes?



When they got back, the injured were escorted to the med bay.

[Name] and Haven walked towards headquarters to report on their success. Ian had disappeared as soon as they got back.

After they had reported to their boss, they were told to retrieve a file from their storage. [Name] was given the key and they bowed to show their respect and walked out.

It was a quiet walk to the storage room, but when they got there the door was already opened.

[Name] cautiously walked up to the door and opened it slightly. He held up his hand to tell Haven to wait. They nodded and stopped; the gun was still ready.

[Name] walked in cautiously. But the person who stood there was someone he definitely didn't expect.

"Ian...?" he spoke, his eyes wide and his face in despair.

Ian turned around, in his hands a file. His face showed shock.

"What are you doing?" [Name]'s voice was filled with shock.

"I-i... um..." Ian spoke in a panic. He had now turned around fully.

"What's taking so long? Who is in here- " Haven spoke up as they entered the room. Their eyes widened seeing Ian in there with [Name].

Ian quickly came over his panic and pulled out his gun.

"What are you doing Ian!" Haven shouted.

"We've been on the wrong side all this time." Ian answered, his voice now psychotic. "Here they do nothing but hurt people. Don't you see that [Name]? Haven?"

[Name] could only stare in shock at what he was saying. It looked like he had completely lost his mind.

"What are you saying Ian...?" Haven said.

Ian sighed. [Name] was frozen in place.

Was Ian a spy? Why? Did he lie to them? Did he pretend to be their friend? Was this why he had wanted to come with (name) when he had to report to headquarters?

So many thoughts ran through [Name]'s mind, so he didn't notice Ian raising his gun.

"It's a shame, truly." Ian said with fake sadness. "You could have been a great asset in this war. But unfortunately, you're on the wrong side, and I can't leave any witnesses."

Ian pointed the gun at [Name].

"[Name]!" Haven shouted as they ran.


[Name]'s ears rang.


Their body swayed as they dropped to the floor.

[Name] felt his gut twist and he felt his breakfast creep back up his throat.

Just as Ian prepared to shoot towards [Name] again, [Name] on instinct fired a shot of his own.


Without hesitation... I fired without hesitation...

Now both of his friends' bodies lie on the floor. Breathing heavily, he ran.

[Name] ran.

Out of the storage room.

Out of headquarters.

Straight for the airport.

He hopped inside one of the ships and flew away.

Tears streamed down his face.

I killed my own friend without hesitation...

And he screamed.

He screamed until he couldn't.

Until his voice was gone and it hurt.

But it wasn't even close to the pain he was feeling in his heart.

He looked down at his hands. The ones that were stained with the blood of his friends.

He couldn't bear to look at them.

His ship just continued to fly. He didn't have a particular place in mind, he just flew.

It has now been almost a week. His ship had run out of fuel a day ago and now he was stranded on a random planet.

All around him were aliens he didn't know and he felt incredibly alone.

[Name] sat down, leaning against a wall. People walked past him without acknowledging him. He closed his eyes.

"Are you okay? Where are your parents?" a voice suddenly called out.

[Name] opened his eyes, to be met with a young woman with brown hair crouched down in front of him.

[Name] quickly looked around before pointing at himself.

The woman nodded.

"I-i don't know where my parents are." [Name] answered.

The woman felt sorry for the small kid in front of her. She helped him up, and asked for his name.

"[Name]. [Name] Wisteria." He answered.

"Well [Name], I have a boy your age, would you feel up to meeting him?" she asked.

[Name] weighed the pros and cons, and decided that he had nothing else to lose.

And that would be one of the best decisions of his life.

He had now met Sarah and Jim Hawkins and those would be what he called family.

Thank you for all those years, Haven... Ian... I forgive you. There is no point in holding grudges. I'll miss you, but I know you would have wanted me to move on, so that's what I'm going to do.

So, watch me!


[A/n: Hello! This is the last part of [Name]'s backstory and we will now be getting back to the main story :) the next chapter will probably be posted next weekend.
Anygays- have a great day/night!]

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