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Here is [Name]'s backstory, because I accidentally stabbed myself with a kitchen knife and my favorite tea is almost gone :')
I'll probably split this into two parts. Please do read the A/n at the end, I have some things to say :)


A small child not older than 5, sitting in a corner in a small room. The room only had a bed and a few toys, that was spread out over the cold floor.
The muffled sound of screaming and crying could be heard through the walls.

"Where we're you?" A more feminine voice asks

"That's none of your business." Another deeper voice answers.

"It is my business! We have a kid [F.Name]!" The woman shouts. "You can't just leave me alone to take care of him!"

"I never wanted to have a kid!" The man shouts back. "I told you to get an abortion, but no, just just had to keep him!"

Tears gather up in the corners of [Name]'s eyes as he presses his hands to his ears in a desperate attempt at blocking out the noise.

After a while it went quiet. [Name] let his hands fall from his ears. He shakily stood up and quietly walked up to the door with his favorite plushie in hand.

He carefully opened the door and trudged down the hallway, hugging his plushie close to his chest.

When he got to the living room, he saw his mother on the floor holding her cheek. His father walking away, probably to the kitchen. He cautiously walked up to his mother and crawled up into her lap and hugged her.

He could hear her sniffle, as she wrapped her gentle arms around him.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

She smiled and dried her tears, chuckling.
[Name] placed a small kiss on her reddened cheek.

"See? All better now!" He exclaimed with a toothy smile.


All better.

|| Time - skip ||
5 years later

A war had broken out a couple years back. Something about the economy. People were dying left and right nowadays.

[Name] usually spent his days sitting on the window ledge in his room, looking down at all the careless children playing football as if there wasn't a war going on.

[Name] never really made any friends at school. Mostly because he didn't know how to approach people.
So he usually spent his time at school, either reading or drawing.

His home situation hadn't really changed either. His father still kept his distance and [Name] never even really talked to him at all.

His mother tried to keep him happy and joyful. But it was hard when she was never happy herself. So he tried to cheer her up instead.

But the closer the war came to them, the harder it became, because they could have never imagined the horror it would follow.

|| Time - skip ||
1 year later

The war was now almost in the small town that [Name] lived in, and everyone was panicking. The school had shut down and everyone was told to stay inside.

But that meant that [Name] and his mother had to stay inside, with the man that [Name] called 'Father'.

[Name]'s fathers temper had shortened and he would blow up at the most random of times. So for the most part [Name] hid inside his room with his mother.
She would hug him as close as he could, while they would hear his muffled screaming through the door.

They tried to stay out of his way as much a s they could.

But soon... the day they all feared would come.

A letter had arrived in the mail. [Name]'s mother brought it up to the apartment when she was out grocery shopping.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, we are now calling in everyone from the age of 11 - 15, to fight in this war.

We will be collecting them 2 days from now.

Make sure that have packed their belongings and are by the front door at 6 am.

// Military secretary Mr. Thompson

She fell to the floor in shock. Her small child would be taken away in just 2 days. Tears cascade down her face.

[Name] rushes over to his mother and hugs her. She desperately hugs him back, sobbing into his shoulder.

"I don't want them to take you away." She said into his shoulder. "Please." She said over and over again.

[Name] just sat there and let her cry, wondering who would take him away.

|| Time - skip ||
2 days later

[Name] had been informed the next day that he would be taken away, and his whole world crashed. He realized that he would be forced to leave his mom with his dad, all alone.

He talked to his mother, but there was nothing she could do about it. So he just slowly started to accept it.
He packed a bag with most of the few things he owned.

So that the next day, he could spend the remaining hours with his mother.

And at precisely 6 am the military showed up, like they said.

"Come on now kid. We have to get going." One of them said.

[Name] nodded and hugged his mother one last time.

"I love you [Name]." She whispered, as tears ran down her cheeks.

He gave her one last smile and walked away, closely followed by the two men.
He hopped in the car, filled with other kids his age or older.

He sat down and hugged his bag and wondered, when will this be over.


[A/n: Hello, this is the first part of [Name]'s backstory and I will probably write the second part during the weekend.
I have also made a playlist on Spotify. Search up || my flower || or copy and paste this link, in safari or google.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and know that your comments make my day 😊]

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