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Quick note: I headcanon B.E.N as nonbinary and in this story B.E.N goes by they/them pronouns.


They could hear the muffled sound of pirates cheering, shouting and moving around. Amelia throws open the cabinet where the map was being held and grabs 2 pistols.

"Pirates on my ship?" she asks, after Jim finished explaining what happened. "I'll see they all hanged."

She tosses one over to Delbert and one to [name].

"Doctor, soldier, familiar with these?" She asks with some sarcasm laced in her tone.

Delbert struggles a bit to catch it, but grabs it quickly and holds it cautiously by the handle.

"Oh, i've seen- Well, i've read-" he suddenly presses the trigger, causing a beam of light to shoot out of it, almost hitting Amelia.

[name] quickly catches the flintlock pistol and holds it in his hand. He takes a deep breath and clenches his hand around the gun handle.

"Uh, no. No, I'm not." Delbert says quickly as he lowers the gun a bit.

Amelia rolls her eyes and sighs. Morph floats up to the map and admires his reflection in it. [name] looks behind them and notices the pirates trying to break through the door.

"Mr. Hawkins, defend this with your life," Amelia commands, throwing the map over to him.

Morph tries to snatch it in the air, but Jim is quick on his feet and grabs it from him.

"Morph! Give me that-!" he yells.

He shoves it in his pocket, and they could still hear the pirates trying to break through the door.

Amelia walks forward and blasts a hole through the floor, and jumps through. After that Delbert and Jim go. [name] stays behind guarding their back, before jumping through the hole himself.

The sound of an explosion could be heard as they ran through the maze of corridors. Amelia at the head, Delbert going second and then Jim and Morph in the middle and [name] at the very back. Luckily for them, Amelia seems to know exactly where they're heading.

Delbert falls down a flight of stairs, and [name] looks back to see the pirates hot on their tail. Amelia waits for everyone to run through the door before she closes it and secures it using the heat of the laser beam gun.

"To the longboats, quickly!" She demands.

All of them run to the boat, Jim and Delbert hops in. [name] quickly unties the boat, as Amelia pushes the lever to open the ship. She quickly front flips into the boat and lands gracefully.

She cocks her gun, as Jim looks over the side of the boat. Suddenly, Morph comes out of nowhere and grabs the map out of Jim's pocket.

"Morph! No!" Jim shouts.

He jumps off the longboat, reaching for Morph.

"Jim!" [name] shouts.

The door finally breaks down and pirates start piling in, shooting everywhere.

"Chew on this, you pus-filled boils!" Captain Amelia shouts in anger.

[name] quickly aims at the crewmates, almost shooting one of their heads off. More rays are shot, when finally Delbert gathers up the courage to shoot something. The planks beneath the pirates get destroyed and they tumble and fall down out of the ship.

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