Chapter 29: The Final Trial

Start from the beginning

Elyan and his opponent venture deeper into the forest, the cries of the primary battle becoming distant as they're engulfed in the magical forest. The knight finds himself unable to move, his feet planted on the ground. Elyan looks down to find vines wrapping up his legs like snakes. He tries to twist and turn out of them to no avail. His opponent approaches, gleeful over Elyan's misfortune. But soon, the champion finds himself being hurtled off his feet.

Elyan gasps as the branches of a tree twist like ropes around the man, pulling his feet from the ground and throwing the man into the air. Thrashing and fighting the branches, the man tries to free himself, only to find the trees becoming tighter around him. The pressure becomes so intense that the man cries out in pain.

"Help me!" he screams, his sword dropping from his hand.

Elyan fights against his restraints, using his sword to cut away at the vines. The knight manages to free himself from his bonds, rushing to help the other champion. Unfortunately, Elyan is too late, the man is crushed to death, and his body now slacks, hanging above the forest between two trees.

Two champions come crashing through the forest, hurtling toward Elyan. The knight begins to retreat within the forest, trying to get a better advantage over his attackers.

"Elyan, duck!"

Percival appears from behind a tree, two daggers in hand. Elyan falls to the ground, lying flat on his chest. Percival throws one dagger, its blade digging into the first man's heart. His body tumbles to the ground with a loud thud. The other champion advances on Percival, the knight dodging his attack and embedding the second dagger into the man's rib cage. The champion stills, also falling to the forest floor.

"Where did you come from?" Elyan huffs, taking Percival's hand to help him to his feet.

"Was just passing through. Thought you could use a hand," Percival grins, patting Elyan on his shoulder.

"Thanks for that", Elyan smiles gratefully.

Back in the stoney centre of the arena, blood stains the stone ground, bodies dropping in more regular intervals as the number of champions decreases. Aro vanquishes his last attacker, eyes quickly scanning the crowd of champions for one of the knights of Camelot. His eyes fall on Arthur.

Aro marches toward the King, blaming the knights for what has happened to him. If he can't punish Edythe for what she had done to him, then he would take out his fury on the knights she loves so dearly. Arthur is nearly struck, the King unaware of the new threat. He manages to deflect Aro's sword quickly, the two quickly engaging in battle.

"You've come a long way only to fail", Aro sneers.

"One could say the same for you," Arthur grunts, retaliating with a strike toward Aro's ribs.

Aro deflects his attack. "Because of you! Because of that, Edythe! I will kill you all for it!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Gwaine shouts, kicking Aro's right sword from his wrist.

Aro groans, stumbling to the side, quickly regaining his balance. Gwaine and Arthur attack together, but Aro somehow manages to fight between the two even without his dominant hand.

Leon helps keep other champions from interfering, fighting off any numbers that try to attack the battle. Leon manages just fine despite covering much ground, many of the other champions having fled into the forest.

Together, Gwaine and Arthur manage to disarm Aro, the man stumbling backward in a moment of weakness. The two men of Camelot don't advance on him, confused as Aro stumbles and shakes his head as if trying to get rid of an annoying fly. He groans, beginning to use his good hand to beat at his own skull.

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