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I walked upstairs tired from a long day. I had work from 7am-5pm then had to do my chores and cook dinner.

As I entered my room the feeling of calm and relaxation washed over me. I sat at my desk doodling whatever popped in my head. After however long I finally let my body collapse onto my bed. Grabbing my journal and jotting down a few things before turning off my light and laying down this part of the night was always the hardest my body felt so calm but my brain went 100mph over thinking everything and anything. I grabbed my stuffed turtle and buried my face into the worn out turtle waiting for my brain to get tried enough to fall asleep.


did I fall asleep? I didn't bother to move; it was probably one of my little siblings. I continue to hear movements I turned around to see a huge figure next to me. I went to scream but a hand immediately cupped my mouth. I begged through his hand "please please" I felt tears running down my face he spoke sternly "calm down." he pulled a cloth out of his pocket. I immediately start panicking more; trying to get away from him. He grabbed me and held me against his chest I continued fighting he mumbled sternly "fuck sakes." while placing the cloth over my face

I woke up in the back of a van my hands were tied there was tape on my mouth I looked in front of me to see a guy with brown hair.

he smiled "styles she's awake."

I looked to the person driving. I immediately started begging through the tape.

the guy in front of me looked at me "give it a rest. yeah?"

the guy driving looked over his shoulder and said "keep this up your going back to sleep."

I stayed quiet looking the guy in front of me. he laughed "don't look at me like that I'm not gonna feel bad and let you go."

I Felt my chest raising and lowering fast and I could barley breath. "FUCK styles, she's hyperventilating" .

"Fuck sakes, take the tape off" the man driving yelled back .

The guy leaned forward and took the tape of my face. I was trying to breath but I was panicking

"please *breath* don't *breath* kill me *breath*.

the guy in front of me laughed "well behave and we will think about it".

"why am I here? why did you take me? who are you guys?"

the guy threw he's head back "styles pass me the cloth she's a talker"

"no please I'll shut up." I was still shaking I put my knees to my chest to put my face down .

I tried to calm down but it was impossible in the situation. I started praying which is something I've never really done before but I was desperate. My brain was on overdrive. Are they going to kill me? Who the hell are they? Why do they sound like they have an accent? Are they going to take me out of country? Are they going to traffic me? Is anyone going to help me? I'm going to have to come up with away to get away. there's no way I can fight either of them. Maybe if I had weapon? I looked around the vehicle. We were in a van. I looked out the window to see fields. Oh my god where are we going? I looked to the guy in front of me then to the driver. Are they bad guys? Of course they are they kidnapped me from my home in the middle of the night.

The van stopped and the guy in the front said "we need gas"

the other one said "I'll go grab some snacks" He nudged me and said "do you want anything?"

I looked at him like he had 3 heads and shook my head no then quietly said "I need to use the restroom."

he groaned "fuck sakes you're annoying" then yelled "styles she needs to wee."
I heard a loud bang like someone punched the van.
he came around the back

"let's go I swear to god if you try anything I will shoot you"

I nodded he grabbed my arm and walked me to the side of the building he followed me in the bathroom.

"you're gonna stay here while I.."

he gave me a deadpan look "do I have stupid tattooed on my forehead?".
I Shook my head no
he said "exactly fucking piss and let's go."

I quietly said "Can you turn around.. please..."

in annoyed voice said "bloody hell you pissing isn't a fucking turn on but whatever fine." he turned around. after a few seconds he said "fuckin' hell go already"

"you're making me nervous holding your gun." He groaned and tucked it into his waist band.

I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. If I get out the door before him I can run. maybe someone will see me and help me. I went to push passed him to run but he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall.

"fucking seriously"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry"

He furrowed his eyebrows "does it look like I'm fucking around?"
He pulled his gun out "answer me."

I cried "no"

"let's fucking go." he grabbed my arm and pushed me into the van.

the other guy laughed and said "you pissed him off more huh?"

"please help me."

he laughed "not a chance sweetheart, get comfortable it's a long ride."

"what how long?" he ignore me and just snacked while scrolling on his phone

"I have a family"

the guy didn't even look up but smirked "I wouldn't doubt it most people do; so save the sob story for someone who cares."

I said "are you guys going to kill me?"

he said "possibly" my eyes widened he just shrugged.

"what did I do?"

He said "think love what did you do."

I said "I uh didn't do anything. I work and go home."

he said "really you haven't done anything bad?" I shook my head no he gave me a deadpan look back

"this isn't about me stealing the pack of color pencils last week is it?"

He smirked "it's absolutely about that."

"I was gonna pay for them. they were just so expensive. I'll pay for them right now I'm sorry."

the guy driving yelled "Louis shut the fuck up." which made the guy in front of me start laughing. i looked at him confused

he said "I'm only joking it's not about that."

I said "so why am I here?".

He shrugged "you were the lucky girl I guess" looking back down at his phone.

I started begging and pleading "what do you want with me? please just let me go I won't say anything. please how would you feel if someone did this to your family? please."

He got up "styles give me the cloth."

"no please" he said "night love"

 "no please" he said "night love" blank

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