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We finished dinner Harry helped me clean up. Louis and Niall are still out working.

"You want to go to the bar tonight?"Harry asked

"Hmm i kinda want to watch a movie"

There's a knock at the door and I look at Harry confused because nobody knocks on the door.

He shrugged "open it"

I walk over opening confused. Sarah is standing there. we both scream as I jump into her arms both of us screaming i missed you and a bunch of an audible words and sounds of excitement.

Harry scoffed "Sarah so rude of you. we're about to sit down and enjoy a calm evening watching a movie."

"Oh shut up! mr are you here yet? hurry up..are you driving in reverse?"

"You knew!!!" I look at Harry

"No shit. you would think I would be more prepared with ear plugs Jesus my ears are still ringing."

I shake my head.

"So are we going out I wanna see the bar!" Sarah shook me excitedly

"Yes! Come let's get dressed!" I pull her hand up the stairs

We both start doing our make up and hair. Catching up with each other. She fills me in on the gossip around town.

Niall comes into the bathroom "how are you girls sitting in the sink?"

We both laugh. "You're back just in time to come to the bar with us!"

He opens the draw on the vanity grabbing his hair product. "Of course I am have you met me?"

Harry coming in doing the same. I can't get rid of the smile on my face having us all crammed into this bathroom getting ready.

Sarah looks at harry "have you considered using a bit of blush or concealer?"

"Uh can't say I have."

"Well you should you're kinda pastey?" Laughing

"Hey I'm tired and it's winter!" Harry defends

"I'm just saying...lex what do you think." Sarah eyes look at me through the mirror

Harry's front connects with my back and his hand softly but firmly wraps around my throat. His face holding a playful smile "lex you think I look good right?"

"You could use a little.."

He give me a look and I zip my lips.

Sarah speaks "you two totally have hot sex!"

Harry snickers behind me. "We do." I look at Harry through the mirror

"Well save it for later lex because you're mine tonight."

Harry's eyes dart to her and she holds a playful smirk taunting him. I look up at him kissing under his chin "you'll share me right just for a few hours."

He licks his lips "since when did I give off im good at sharing?"

"You can try right?" His hand tightens but then relaxes. "I guess.." he kisses me and steps back walking out.

We head into my and harry room Sarah immediately going into the closet "where's that dress you FaceTimed me about? I want that one."

I pull out the dress in question. we both get dressed. And soon enough are both at the bar. Two drinks in Sarah starting pulling me away from Harry yelling "it's time to share."
Harry held my waist at arm's length with a stern look but let go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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