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I finished my chores earlier then normal and was bored. I looked around in the kitchen and decided I was gonna make peanut butter bread. It was my favorite thing growing up. I learned it from my best friends mom.

I gathered all the ingredients and mixed them together. Before placing it in the oven. While it was baking I cleaned up the mess I made. I found a piece of paper and doodled on it while waiting.
Once it finished I placed it on top of the stove to cool

I started making Harry's dinner. simple chicken potato and peas. Once it was finished cooking. I went and got myself a slice of the peanut butter bread; for those few seconds of eating it I forgot how sad I was. it reminded me of home and feeling safe. That ended once I heard the door slam shut. He seemed grumpy. fuck . I Started putting his plate together and placed it on the island
he looked at me and said "what is that smell?"


"it smells good."

"I made peanut butter bread."

"I've never heard of that"

"do you want some?"

"sure." I gave him a slice.

"Jesus that really good wow; I didn't realize you were going to be so good in the kitchen."

He pulled the piece of paper i doodled on to himself looking at it then back at me. "you like drawing?" I nodded. He then reached for his plate on the counter.

After he finished eating his dinner he went into the living room. I cleaned up the kitchen

I started to make my way upstairs. "come watch tv."

I sat down on the other couch "do you watch tv when I'm at work?"

"no I didn't know if i was allowed to"

"well you're welcome to as long as you get your shit done same thing with the music your welcome to that as well". I nodded.

I laid my head on the arm rest of the couch watching the tv. I was exhausted.

please someone help me! please mom please! help! help! help! help! help!

"Hey hey lex wake up your having a nightmare" my eyes shot open. I jumped when I saw Harry so close. "hey hey calm down I'm not gonna hurt you."

He hasn't really hurt me he's grabbed my arm and shoved me a few times but I also know what he's capable of so I still don't trust him.

"don't be scared of me I'm not threatening you right now." he moved my hair off my face and then sat me up and moved me so I was laying on his lap. I was to scared to move or say anything.

"you're ok, alright it was a dream."

"I wanna go home Harry"

"I can't do that."

"I won't tell anyone please."

"I need you for something"


"you don't need to know right now"

"when you're done with whatever you need me for can I go home?"

he paused "Possibly if it works out." It was silent.

"were you having a nightmare about me?"

I nodded he nodded.

Next day

I heard Harry walk in I placed his dinner on the counter. He walked into the kitchen he smiled at me. "I got you something." I looked at him confused.

He placed a notebook on the counter along with color pencils. I almost smiled with how excited I was but I stop myself remembering who was giving them to me. "Thank you Harry." I felt my eyes watering.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's the first good thing to happen to me in a long time."

"Are you going to eat with me or make me eat alone?"

I sat down with a plate and started eating.

Without thinking I asked "Do you have a family?"


He cleared his throat "Not blood; dire is my family."

"Where's your real family?"

"I was left in a park when I was 2 and haven't heard from them since."

"What oh my god that's horrible! I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize for shit you didn't do. Also don't feel bad for someone who literally kidnapped you. I'm not a good guy Lex."

It was silent.

I sat in my room drawing in the new notebook Harry got me. I couldn't stop think about how someone could just leave their child in a park. Maybe he was a bad kid I mean look at him now. He leads a fucking gang who kills and kidnaps people! You don't wake up one day and just decide to be a evil person.

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