chapter 1

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A noise he heard kept beeping, he also heard shuffling around him, there were some voices talking too, ''He should be awake by now'' is what he heard, ''are you sure? Why isn't he waking up earlier?'' he felt someone being distressed.

He suddenly had the urge to do something but what? ''Please kookie, my love wake up'' coming from a soft voice who sounds in pain, ''minnie gives it time'' another voice spoke. Jungkook was so confused on what's going on but mainly why isn't he waking up.

''My love please wake up for me, i-i need you'', jungkook's wolf was going crazy smelling the sour scent from someone, he wanted to comfort the omega in distress but couldn't.

What feels like hours passing by jungkook still doesnt know whats going on, his mind and wolf are going crazy, '' why can't i wake up or move, whats wrong with me?'' suddenly he felt a kiss placed on his forehead with some whimpers.

''kookie, my love i'm here, i hope you'll wake up soon, i need you'', jungkook flinched, ''oh-oh my god, kookie- oh my, can you hear me?'' jungkook tried his best to move, he heard someone running, ''DOCTORS, DOCTORS ANYONE PLEASE COME, HE-HE MOVED'' a rush of nurse came and hear scatters, ''he- he moved, i was talking to him and he flinched'' the nurse called the doctor quickly.

Once the doctor entered the room, he began to exam jungkook, ''can you tell me what exactly happen'' the person began to speak, jungkook recognize the voice but can't pinpoint who it is, ''ok, everything seems fine, so it seems like he's slowly gaining continuous and should be awake anytime soon, when he does let us know'' the soft voice spoke again, ''okay, thank you, i'll stay with him'' the nurse and doctor left leaving him with a mysterious omega.

Time passed once again, jungkook felt agony in his body, he moved around trying to find a position to sleep, when he finally cant, he woke up with a blur vision, he stared up at the ceiling.

'' what's going on, where am i?'' Once his vision was fixed he looked around, he's at the hospital but why? He saw some sunlight which means its morning already, he tried to sit up but failed, ''fuck, why does my head hurt'' he rubbed his head trying sooth it, than suddenly he saw a door opening, when he looked at the person, he knew who it was, ''kookie your- your awake- ohmygod, how are you feeling? Wait let me get the doctor'' he saw him running outside the room fetching the doctors, ''what in the hell is jimin doing here''?

Before he can do anything else the medics are here, ''i see your awake jungkook, how are you feeling?'' Jungkook looked at the tall man standing there, ''uh- im ok but why am i here? Fuck, why does my body hurt'' the doctor came closer, ''your at the hospital, before i say anything else can you tell me where it hurts?'' Jungkook just wanted to leave.

''uh, well i have a big headache and my body feels like ive got hit by a truck'' he turned to look at jimin who was in tears, ''ok, i'll give you some medication to help with that, dont worry your fine and got really lucky'' jungkook frowned, ''what happened to me'' he looked at jimin again feeling the omega distressed, he released calming pheromones without realizing it.

Once he did he looked shocked but it worked and inside of him his wolf was pleased, the doctor noticed it but didn't say a word, ''jungkook you were in a accident, a car crashed into you, nothing serious happened but it was still a big impact since he ran into you.

''what- how long was i out'' he couldn't believe this happened, ''a week ago'' now the room is filled with sour scent, jimin walked close to him trying to hold his hand but jungkook pulled away, ''you mean i was out for a week?'' his voice started to rise, jimin grabbed his hand, ''kookie im so-'' before he could finish he yanked his hands away again, ''don't touch me''.

Jimin looked at him in complete shock and his wolf didn't like that at all, ''sir calm down, i know it's a lot to take in but please calm down'' jungkook didn't wanna hear anymore, he wanted everyone to leave, ''calm down? How can I calm down?'' he tried to sit up, the doctor helped him, ''do you remember anything?'' Jungkook tried to think.

''i was at a party, i don't remember being in a car, let alone driving, shit i need to call my mom, she doesn't know i left the house'' jimin gasped, ''ok jungkook let me ask you this, how old are you'' he chuckled at the question, shouldn't they have his records? 'I'm 17'', the doctor looked at the nurse, ''let's get a head CT'' jungkook looked confused, ''jungkook, i'm sorry to say this but you might have amnesia, you're 27''.

After getting a head CT, jungkook couldn't believe what he was told, ''27, how tf am i 27?'' he laid in bed alone, his eyes landed on a chair where jimin was sitting, ''why is he even here'' he huffed. The door opened and saw his friends coming in.

''Jungkook omg your up, jimin told us that you woke up this morning, how are you feeling? He stared at his friends, wow they look the same but don't, ''he- he lost his memory'' they all looked at jimin who was hiding behind taehyung, ''what?'' all of them came close to him, ''kook are you ok?''

He didn't expect for jimin to tell his friends the news, ''kook?'' Taehyung spoke up, he felt vulnerable right now and hated it, ''im fine, please go i want to be alone right now'' all of his friends looked at each other.

Before saying anything the doctor returned, ''i have some news'' they all looked at the doctor waiting for him to tell the news.

''well jungkook, you don't suffer from anything beside the amnesia, we don't know when it will your memory come back so we recommend you to go easy, try to not force yourself to remember everything, it will take some time, also as your pain, we will give you antibiotics to take and make sure to take them everyday'' jungkook didn't say a word and just blinked.

The other hand jimin listened attentive, ''can i go home?'' the doctor nodded, ''yes, you seem to be better, but make sure to have your mate with you to look after you while you're still recovering, i'll get the discharge paper and once its done your free to go'' he left the room leaving it quiet.

''my- my mate?'' he looked at his friends in confusion, '' who's my mate?'' no one wanted to answer the question, he then looked towards jimin who was looking directly at him with tears, ''don't tell me your- no, how did this happen?''.

once those words left his mouth he felt his wolf anger, ''jungkook!'' tae spoke, ''jimin is your mate now stop with your attitude'' jin went to hug jimin, ''that can't be possible, i don't even like him let alone would mate him'' he spat out.

tae let ou a low growl, ''calm down guys, this isn't the time, jungkook don't say harsh things towards jimin, whether you like it or not he is your mate'' jimin felt like his world is crashing down, ''kookie, you forgot?'' he walked towards his mate.

''don't come near me'' his wolf definitely didn't like that, ''i don't remember anything, how was i supposed to remember your my mate?'' jimin felt tears streaming down his face, jungkook insanity regretted that, he had the urge to comfort his omega but his human didnt want too, ''I want to go home and rest'', they all looked at him, ''i'll get the car ready'' with that jimin left the room, his wolf was seeking his omega but jungkook ignored it.

''Jungkook what the fuck, i get you lost your memory but dont be an ass towards jimin'' hobi spoke up, ''yea, he didnt do anything so calm down, and i know your wolf isnt happy the way your treating him'' yoongi added on.

jungkook felt anger rising, ''you guys don't know shit'' he hissed out, ''jungkook'' namjoon growed which made him submit, ''i don't want to use my alpha on you but your not going to disrespect jimin or raise your voice at us, we're here to help you as well jimin, don't you feel what he's feeling? You're making your omega distress, don't reject him kook, it will hurt the both of you'' jungkook looked away, he didn't like it when he felt small but he's right.

he does feel his omega who is feeling rejected also heartbroken, ''i'm just overwhelmed, hearing the news that im 27 instead 17 is a lot to take in, also me being mated with jimin? Out of all everyone it's jimin?'' tae let out a growl, ''tae calm down, and kook i understand but yes out of everyone you picked him, you're the one who wanted him'' namjoon rest his hand on his shoulders, ''you need to accept it''.

tae's phone pinged, ''its jimin, he said he's parked out front'' namjoon nodded, ''kook, your going home and yes it's with jimin so lose your attitude, your human may not easily accept jimin as your mate but your wolf does, don't push him away,'' jungkook just hummed.

''okay jungkook you are discharged, make sure to take these once a day, also i know its a lot to take in but take it slowly also try to compromise with your wolf also if you need to see someone, go see a therapist'' with that jungkook is left with papers and medication and ready to go home, or is he.

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