Almost to the Race

Start from the beginning

I made a very inelegant burble as someone caught my ankle, pulling me beneath the water. I opened my eyes, ignoring the stinging from the sea water as I cast around. I looked down, Will looking up at me with a grin on his face. He had let my ankle go though, and I gained the surface to gratefully take in a gasp of air. I waited for him to surface, shaking the water from his hair. "You could have warned me."

"But then it wouldn't have been as fun." He smiled, backstroking beside me as we made our way in. "You didn't want to walk with Liz?"

"We're leaving soon, I want to swim as much as I can." I rolled over onto my own back, enjoying the sun and not so subtly putting myself available for Will's gaze. "It's not exactly like I can just for an afternoon swim in New York harbor, not like I can here."

"It has been pleasant." He sighed, his eyes growing rather distant. I smiled, remembering how he had been by my side practically the entire time since the party. He'd taught me a great deal more about the yacht, enough that Mother was trusting us to take it to town in the morning while she took the carriage. When we'd had callers he'd stayed with me, always ready to speak if someone began asking about the Reichster's party. It was only after the first caller had brought it up that he had noticed I had begun to shake, he had simply took my hand and mentioned that we had gone to it. I couldn't bring myself to say anything on it, the first night I had wanted Will by my side so badly I had begged Peggy to allow it.

She had shaken her head, "It's not done Miss, especially not with your Mother being so close."

"What if he's just in the sitting room?" I had looked at myself in the mirror, closely looking for any bruises on my shoulders or throat. "Surely she can't be mad about that."

"It's one door between your sitting room and your bed," Peggy, her brown hair caught up, had snapped. "And you never close that door."

I had dropped my gaze, hoping that I could lie my way out of this. "Peggy, all that party did was bring up memories about Father. I can feel it, lurking like some monster waiting for me." At that point I had turned, holding her eye as I ticked them off on my fingers. "I can only see three things happening tonight. I wake up screaming and the entire house heard me, Will joins me for the night to keep me calm, or I go down to the kitchen and drink the brandy that I know the cook keeps there."

Her face had screwed up then, and she had left my room muttering. It was only a few minutes later that she had returned, Will in tow behind her. Her voice had been firm, "He stays in the sitting room, and once she is asleep you," She turned to Will, "Are going to leave. If Reggie does not find you sound asleep in your bed in the morning, oh I don't know what I shall do but it shall not be pleasant in the slightest." Her muttering had continued as she had left, but Peggy needn't have worried. All I wanted was for Will to hold me, to whisper sweetly in my ear as I fell asleep. I had actually managed to sleep a full night, and after spending so much time with Will this week, it had made what had happened seem like a distant memory. It could have happened years ago, rather than days.

I shook myself from my reverie, feeling the sand against my back. Will held out a hand, helping me to my feet. I stumbled into him, "Oops."

His hands were firm on my hands, "I know you didn't trip."

"Well, it's only been the once you didn't catch me." I smiled up at him, taking his hand as we strolled up the beach. "And in that case, catching me would not have been for the best."

"No, it would not have been." He shook his head, and holding out a towel that had been brought out to the umbrella. Liz was already ensconced in one, and I let Will wrap mine around my shoulders as I took a seat. He nodded to our guests, "I am looking forward to tomorrow, Richard."

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