Chapter 31

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Meeting Jaerin

Their first instinct was to slap the poor boy. Jaera gasped on how hard the sound came up.

"Renjun, not that hard!" Jaemin face palmed.

Once the boy apologized, their eyes drew back to the unconscious boy. They stared at him worriedly. Jaemin moved forward and parted his eyes. The eyeball was pitch black.

"They probably did some black magic on him too." He sighed.

"Do you two know any spell to lift it up?" Renjun stared at the siblings expectantly.

Both of them shared a look and hesitantly shook their head as a no. The older boys shoulders slumped.

"The academy will not be able to do much either." He dropped his body beside the unconscious lad.

Jaera eyes fell on, Jisung's features. She wondered if he knew what was going on. If they could bring her back. And then it stroke her.

"Uh.." She hesitantly spoke up gaining the duo's attention. She gulped before continuing, "Um Jaerin knows those spells, so she might be able to help!"

The two boys looked at her as if they saw a ghost. Both shared a quick glance before the older stood up in a hurry.

"She is alive!" Renjun asked, his eyes popping out. "Like really!"

"Yeah but to reach her, we need to teleport."

"I can teleport, you know? Just tell me the exact location."

"Uh it is hidden in the middle of the woods so I'm not sure about exact location."

"Then how are we gonna reach!" Jaemin voiced out.

"Doyeom, Sangwoo and Chu Jimin can teleport, they knows. So I can call them."

"Wait I know Sangwoo. I'll call him since there is no network here and will also inform the others." Renjun said.

Jaera's eyes followed him out of the chamber. He walked towards the first floor to get proper connections. As soon as he reached, Renjun wasted no time in contacting the younger male.

Back in the chamber the sibling stood in an awkward silence. Jaera kept glancing between her best friend and brother. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jaemin took the initiative to start a conversation.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized.

The younger looked back at him with a questioning look. "What? Why?"

"For behaving so rudely with you, and for doubting you." He pouted.

Jaera internally cringed. It her first time in years seeing her brother do what he used to do back when they were kids.

"Nana, you didn't change those cute habbit did you?"

A wide smile spread across his face as his eyes lit up at the childhood nickname.

"Rara can we go back to what we were, Nana is sorry!"

"Stop, never call me Rara. It sounds disgusting. And I'll think about it."

By the time Renjun came back, Sangwoo had already teleported inside the chamber. The siblings were startled by his sudden appearance.

"Seems like you two reconciled!"

Renjun walked back inside. "They what? You two made up!"

The siblings nodded with a smile.

"Let's not waste anymore time!" Sangwoo said maintaining his deadpan face.

Soon the five found themself in front of the cottage. Jaera walked in first to let the older girl know about the situation, so that she doesn't pounce on her twin, and lecture him.

Jaemin and Sangwoo carried Jisung inside and placed him where, Jaerin asked them too. As soon as they were done, the twin's eyes meet. The first thing Jaemin received is a death glare, before getting kicked out like everyone else.

"This is gonna take a while we can go to Jimin hyung's house." Sangwoo insisted.

" Sangwoo insisted

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