Chapter 8

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The Past

"Mom why can't I go out like them?" A seven years old Jaera whined.

"Dear you need to be strong enough to be able to fight of the bad people out there."

"They when will I get strong as them."

Her mother looked out of the window and smiled. Her older children where playing around while practicing their cursed magic with their father.

"You need to learn how to control your powers. And once you do you will be able to go out too." She encourages her to go and practice with her siblings.

Jaera smiled and walked out of the house to joined the group. Her siblings welcomed her with wide smiles.

"Nana, Rinnie I want to be strong like you!!" She said while using her little knowledge on her power.

"Sure, then we'll be able to fight together." Jaerin cheered.

Black magic users were very rare in existence. They like staying away from the eyes of the other citizens. Unlike every other person in Isorropia who treasure their powers, they always considered it as a curse. It's the most powerful form of magic to exist, so once in bad hands, has the power to wipe out the whole existence of  mages.

The three siblings continued practicing with the help of their father's instructions.

"Stop!" They froze as soon as Mr. Na abruptly asked them to stop their training.

"Get in, someone is inside our territory." Mrs. Na came out and dragged the sibling inside the house putting their guards up.

Tensed he waited for whoever it was to pop out of nowhere. Soon he noticed a figure walk through the mist in the woods that surrounded their house. As the mist cleared, Mr. Na huffed a sigh of relief.

"What brings you here Qian?"

"You would question me without welcoming me in, my friend?" Mr. Qian asked.

Mr. Na let out a chuckle and welcomed him inside. They sat down beside each other while the kids peeked out of the room to listen to their conversation.

"How's your son?"

"Kun's fine, you know he needs to learn so many things. What about your's?"

"Your whole bloodline is full of genius people. The twins are doing great. The youngest is catching up too."

"About the twin. Mr. Moon agreed to take them in the Academy."

"Oh that's great. Let me call them."

Jaemin and Jaerin walked out of the room and stood in front of the two olders.

"You two can finally go to Neo Academy." The twin were overjoyed at the news. Every kid from the kingdom dreamed of going to that school.


"You sure you are not going to come." Jaerin asked for the nth time.


Rinnie I already promised Jeno and Renjun, I would spend time with them. I'll meet them later. They are not running away."

The ten years old sighed and left the campus to meet her family. Passing by the woods she finally got to her house.

"Ah Jaerin you are back!" Her mom chimed excited.

"Yeah, sorry couldn't bring Jaemin. He is hanging out with his friends. But why are you so excited."

"Your sister is a gifted mage. Today while I was training her, we discovered she has two powers actually."

"Wow really what is it?"

Jaera smiled and lit up a small fire on her palm but it soon disappeared making the eight years old frown.

"It's blue, it's pretty."

As the two sisters continued admiring the younger's newly discovered powers, their father walked inside the house panting.

"We need to evacuate as fast as possible. They found us. They will be here any minute."

"Let's go kids!" Mrs. Na alerted the children and were about to leave. But luck was not on their side.

A huge magic barrier around their house restricted them to move out. And soon the house lit up in fire. Through the open door of the house, Mr. Na saw the devil, the man behind all this.

"Is there a way out?" Mrs. Na coughed out. The children holding on to her for their dear life.

Jaera had already broken down in tears while Jaerin's eyes showed pure terror as she stared at her father.

"The charms!" He murmured.

Mrs. Na ran inside the burning bed room while the sister screamed at her. Mr. Na was quick to create a portal. He caught the two charms throwed by his wife, who was already getting burnt.

Mr. Na put the charms around them and said, "Listen, this is the last time you are seeing us. Go to the mordern world, don't comeback unless it's a recruiter from the Academy. Don't let anyone know, you have powers. Lastly stay safe."

He pushed them inside the portal as the burning house collapsed over them.

He pushed them inside the portal as the burning house collapsed over them

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