Chapter 26

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Black Magic the most powerful form of magic to ever exist. Once out of control, holds the power of destroying the whole kingdom. Only a small number of mages have that power.

At one point of time the mages started disappearing. No one had any idea what was going on. The mages became skeptical, at the lose of their dear ones.

Soon they started excluding themselves from the other mages. They made the forest their new home. But still the disappearance never stopped. Generations passed only one family of black magic users remained.

The knew a lot of things as to what was going on. Why everyone was disappearing? They made a pact with the academy to protect their future generation, in return they need to share every bit information they knew about this to the ministry.

But a few years after the birth of the next heirs a tragedy took place. Even before they could pass down the black magic legacy to their children, they were killed.


"That's tragic!" Jisung murmured.

"It is!" Jaera stared at the table.

"As per what everyone know, they had three children, two of them died along with their parents."

"So does anyone knows where is he?"

"He? How do you know?" She raised a brow.

"Huh- what no. It's a random guess." He got flustered but soon realisation hit him. "Wait it's you, isn't it?"

Jaera laughed.

"You are close, but the one I'm talking about is a guy. And you know him."

"Wait you are a guy?"

"Jisung..." She gave him look of disappointment.

"I'm kidding, but then how do you have Black Magic?"

"After the Na house was burned down the two daughters were actually sent to modern world, without anyone's knowledge. And their son, the last remaining stayed in this academy."

Jisung thought for a while before pointing at his best friend, "No doubt, everyone see so much similarity between Jaemin hyung and you."

"Bingo you got it!"

"So um where is your sister?" He asked cautiously, checking her facial expressions.

"You don't need to worry, she is very much alive. If you think me and Jaemin are anti-social, you should meet her."

"So if you are siblings, why does Jaemin hyung seem to despise you?"

Jaera signed, "For the past twelve years he believed that both of us are dead. And when months ago I came to this academy, he thought  I was one of them."


"The ones behind the disappearance of the black mages."

"You said on one knows why they are disappearing thought."

"No one except the last remaining family. And when the pact was made by my father, only a few higher ups along with the headmaster knows."

"Is it ok for you to tell me?"

She nodded.

"2PM. They call themselves 2PM."


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