Chapter 6

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A World of Magic

Jisung pulled out his sweat shirt and pant out of the locker. Dressing up in the training cloths when went back training room. Many more students where there, practicing their own powers on their own.

He was beyond fascinated seeing seeing different students wielding different magics. Some had a coloured aura round them, making him wonder that they where.

"They are spell powers wielded by those students. It's only appears if you have enough spell power."

Jisung turned to see a green hair guy a few centimeters shorter than him. He was wearing the same training cloths as everyone else.

The boy walked passed him and joined the others. Jisung following him into the ground.

"Park Jisung this way." He heard his name being called out.

An older man around his height stood there in a different fit. Beside him stood Shotaro and Sungchan.

"I am Jung Jaehyun the Academy trainer. My work is to guild the students in using their powers."

Jaehyun proceeded to explain them, the uses of their power. He made Shotaro attack Sungchan after taking off his pendent. Thus it not having any effect on the male. Jisung stepped on his shadow making Shotaro immobile.

"Yuri come here for a bit!" Jaehyun called her.

Leaving her sister to train alone the girl came up to the group. On the trainer's instruction, she lit up a fire in her hand that scared Jisung and Sungchan. Firing it towards Shotaro, the ice mage blocked it with his freezing ability while panicking.

"See, you need to know, who your powers can work on. It's all about studying your power properly. Well Sungchan might be thinking that his power is pretty useless since he can't attack anyone. But your power is more on the defensive side. You can't attack but you can't be attacked either. But that doesn't mean your will never be defeated. Black magic users always have tricks up their sleeves. As for Jisung, your are a black magic user."

"Aren't black magic users being..." Yuri started.

"He is from Mordern World. Also it's a small part. His spell power can only be used to immobilize someone."

As he continued explaining, Jaera walked down and joined the group. "Sorry for being late. I was called by the Headmaster."

"I know. Since you don't need the basic training, you will join the Nakamoto twins. Yuri take her, she uses blue flame. It pretty similar to yours."

The two walked back to where the fire bender was practicing. The twins where beyond surprise by the younger's capacity.


"Excuse me sir!" Jaera pushed open the door to Kun's office.

The Academy head sat there, hands crossed over his chest. He asked the girl to come inside and take her seat.

"I know you are having training right now, let me make this quick."

"Ok sir!"

"You will be training with Jaemin. He doesn't train at this time. His session is a night when no one is around."

Jaera pursed her lips and nodded. She wasn't clearly happy with him training her. But she knew, she had to encounter him one day or the other.

 But she knew, she had to encounter him one day or the other

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