Chapter 14

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Suprise test

The huge gate opened letting the car of headmaster of Neo Academy enter. It stopped right in front of the huge mansion. He walked out and was greeted by the butler of the house.

"Sir is waiting for you in his office, please follow me."

Kun nodded and followed him inside. The butler stood in front of the door and pushed it open letting him enter. Bowing to everyone in the room he left.

Pulling out a chair, Kun took his seat. Beside him was one of the professors from the academy, who was also a former military official, Lee Taeyong. On the opposite side of the table sat the owner of the huge mansion, the kingdom's advicer, Moon Taeil.

"So what brings you two here?"

Taeyong took the folder kept in front of him and passed it on to Taeil. He gave the two a look before going through the folder.

Keeping his elbows on the table he crossed his fingers. "Park Jisung, Na Jaera!"

"What are we supposed to do with them?"

"Well for Na Jaera, Kun can continue training her like he did to her brother, until he believes her. Which totally depends on the sibling."

"What about Park Jisung? His power is still a part of the black magic. I don't think they will leave him out." Kun said.

"Hmm!" The advicer sighed. "Train him with the girl. Make sure to explain him about the dangers. Letting the two get along will be the best decision for now."

They stood up from the seat and bowed him goodbye. Taeyong made his way out first, followed by Kun.

"Wait any news on the older Na girl?" Kun looked back through the still open door and shook his head.


"Jisung didn't come to practice today?" Sungchan asked not spotting the male in the training ground.

"He wasn't in class though!" Shotaro added.

"Maybe he wasn't feeling so well." Jaera shrugged and continued practicing.

"Mind if we join you three?" The twins approached them.

Sungchan nodded. Yuri's aura turned red as a fire lit up on her palm. Yumi used her bending to through it at Sungchan. Shotaro wasted no time to create an ice wall to cover his best friend, who was caught off-guard.

"You gotta have your guards up all the time." Yumi said. "It will be more sudden."

The two boys nodded. But they were caught off-guard once again when a big box came flying towards them. A blue fire lit up around it before it hit any of the five students.

"Damn Jaera got good reflexes!"

Haechan and Renjun walked towards the group. The three underclassmen stared at them.

"Don't give us that look. We were asked to attack. Not like we are interested." Renjun rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind Renjun, he is just awkward with new people." Yuri said shooting a glare at him.

"But who asked to attack us?" Sungchan asked bewildered.

"I did!" An older lady who seemed to be some teacher walked in.

"Hello ma'am!" The twin followed by the new students bowed.

"You all did well, better than what we can expect from new students from modern world." She eyed Haechan, who looked away.

They looked at the four seniors after the teacher walked away.

"Professor Chou Sana. She sometimes comes to supervise when Trainer Jaehyun isn't available." Yumi explained.

"Seems like you two pass. Sungchan and that other kid will have to continue in that class." Renjun said.

"Shotaro and Jaera will be assigned new classes."


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